New Driver

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Ah, shut up.



I couldn't tell if those last two vibrations were some alarm or text messages. I reached beside me blindly to my little bedside table and felt around for my phone. Once acquired, I grabbed it and forced an eye open.

Daniel (2)
Slide to view messages

Confused as to why he would text me, considering the fact that I don't allow many to text me, I glanced at the time.

9:47 AM


I quickly jumped up from bed, causing an immediate head rush, and sprinted to the bathroom. Several quick attempts at hygiene, and I'm facing my closet, searching for some professional clothing. CLEAN clothing. Chose some black jeans and a black jacket with a white shirt underneath.

Professional enough.

Almost forgetting the time, I sprinted to the kitchen and grabbed some random fruit.
I searched the apartment for the remainder of my things while munching on the fruit, and bolted out the door, almost forgetting to lock the apartment.
Once outside, I called a for a taxi and got into the nearest one once two stopped. Since this town is pretty small, I knew every taxi driver. There weren't many. They all hung out nearby my home, pretty convenient. 

"Hey, (y/n), what're you still doing here at this time? Aren't you supposed to be at work?" The driver glanced over at me through the rear view mirror.

"Hah, yeah. Little sleeping problem. So mind stepping on it, Seth?" I smiled as the taxi sped up instantly. Thinking about the time, I decided to check Daniel's messages.

Daniel: Everyone's waiting to start the project.
Daniel: Where are you? We need all the details, you can't stay home today.

Eh, I don't have to reply. I don't reply to many, what does he expect?

Seth pulled up in front of my building and I jumped out, leaving some cash in my place. I sprinted to the front door and headed for the elevator.


10:34 AM

"I'm here, I'm here!" I practically shouted at my crew, who were all chatting around the table. I unfolded my papers and passed around copies.

"Where have you been?" My partner asked, curious as to why I took longer than the usual.
"I slept through the alarm, the back up woke me up. Don't worry though, Daniel, the details are all in the papers I just handed out." I couldn't wait to get started on my project. We were building a new amusement park by the mall downtown, and I was put in charge of the planning, since it was my idea. I looked at the faces of my coworkers; they seemed satisfied enough. I gave them all their positions in the project and discussed some extra things. I answered their questions, added on to my plans, and planned ahead some more for several hours. Then they all turned to each other and had their own discussions.

"Hey, (y/n). This is a wonderful idea." Daniel spoke cautiously as if a compliment could hurt my feelings.

"I really like how..." Daniel went on and on, babbling about the details. He talked so much, I ended up zoning out. I stared at his features, his dirty blonde hair, blue eyes, average lips, and cute, little beauty mark, under his eye, on his cheek. No stubble, he didn't like it.

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