Chapter 2- Forest

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Above are the pictures of Cara Smith and Jason Shanes.


The warmth of the sunlight woke me. I slowly opened my eyes.

"Ugh. Too much light." I covered my eyes.

I slowly stood up. I was feeling dizzy and confused, what the actual fuck happened?

"Okay? What happened? What's that gross smell?" I scrunched up my nose.

That light. Weird?

Or is it only a dream?

I looked around and furrowed my eyebrows. Trees. Fucking trees?

"What the fuck?" I muttered glancing from left to right.

How did I end up in here?

I stretched my shoulders, feeling a little soreness in my left shoulder. My hand went up automatically to touched my shoulder and I winced.

" fucking hurts" I hissed.

Horrified, I look at my hand.


"Oh my god". I was panicking again.

"Where the hell is this place? And my shoulder?" I looked down. "Oh god my whole clothes is soaking in my own blood". I shrieked. Feeling more confused of the happenings.

Maybe, this is all a dream. Maybe if I pinched myself right now, I would wake up in the hospital bed or something.

"Ouch. That hurts! Oh my god! This is not a dream? Am I in a deep coma or something?"

I shook my head then I looked down, searching for any injuries, I have bruises from my right arm down to my wrist. What the hell? Where did I get these bruises?  Then suddenly I noticed that I was wearing a different set of clothes.

"Wait a second, why I am wearing different clothes? Oh my god". At this situation I still managed to care about my fucking clothes. I totally lost it. I felt like crying.

But seriously? What the hell is happening?

First, I found out that my best friend and my boyfriend are cheating on me. Then, I woke at a strange place. Hell. Then, I woke up again, in the middle of the freaking forest? Really? Taylor Jones, the Goddess of Luck must be your best friend.

Note my sarcasm. Even in this situation, my sarcasm really gets ahead of me.

I shook my head. This is not the time for me to panicked. I looked around, where am I going? I glanced at the surroundings. Trees. Freaking trees.

"Am I still in here in America? Or this is freaking Africa?" Feeling defeated.

I started to walk going somewhere hoping I can find some shelter in the middle of the forest. It's better than to wait for some animals to eat me. I still value my life, thank you very much.

Minutes and hours passed, it feels like there's no hope for me in this place.

"How hard is it to find a freaking shelter?" I cried. My stomach is now growling signaling that I need to eat something.

"Oh God, is this some kind of punishment because I swear, I've already learned my lesson." I muttered.

Suddenly, I heard rustling around the bushes. I mentally face palmed my self. How can I forget that I am in the freaking forest. A very dangerous looking forest. Animals are lurking at this place. This is it, I'm going to die. Finally. I can't help myself to be grateful that I will end up dying. The happenings are really crazy. I don't think I can handle this anymore.

Run. Taylor. Run.

I jumped at the voice. I glanced around. Clutching my racing heart. Oh God, I think I'm going to die because of heart attack. How lame is that after what I went through, I'm just going to die because of heart attack. On the second thought, the happenings can sent people to their death bed. This is ridiculous. But, I am not that weak. I am a fighter.

"Is there anyone there?" I asked.

"Who are you?" I glanced around. Strange. There is no one in here. Oh god. Oh god. Oh god.

"Ghost? Are you a ghost?" I lamely asked. Okay, that's lame. I just asked someone if they are ghost. How lame is that?

Pffft. The voice snorted. It freaking snorted.

Feeling annoyed. "What the fuck? Do you think this is some kind of a joke? This is not funny". I shoot back.

" Who the hell are you, you freak?" I shouted. I know this is not the time arguing to someone. I might end up dead in this forest.

"I am your conscience". The voice giggled.

The fuck. Calm down Taylor, calm down.

"Ha? Do you think this is funny?" Fuck you". I screamed at the top of my lungs.

"Chill woman, chill. Damn you're so hot headed. Jeez." The voice replied. The humour obviously gone after my outburst.

"So, who the hell are you?" If someone can see me at this moment, they will think I am crazy talking to someone who might be a ghost.

"I am your wolf." The voice replied.


A/N: So what do you think will happen to Taylor? Dondondondon...

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