I miss my cuts
Destroying my self
And watching my body grow stronger
No matter how much I wanted to die
My body made me stronger
Every relationship broke my heart
It grew a little strong after every break
I'm not strong
I'm weak
My body is strong
My heart keeps beating
And my body keeps going
Is my mind
Trying to get it to keep going
Trying to get my soul to live
When it has given up
It's not making my body or my heart strong
They do their job
It's fighting my mind and soul
To get everything to work
To glue my mind to happiness
And my soul to life
To stop surviving with a wish to die
But to die with a wish to live a little longer
I'm not making it
I'm faking it
So I'll recover and make it true
But for now I'll fight to become one
And I will fake it
One day it will be true
The Past...
PoesíaI understand that some people need to turn to self harm as a relief for whatever troubles them in life. My job is to connect my words to others My good friend Isabelle wrote 2 poems and I want her to be heared and understood. We go through hell and...