Chapter 56: Oboro's plan

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30 minutes after the start of the lunch in the World Council.
In the big manor of Deadlast, where Oboro, Lea and Deadlast took care of Mellorine, Deadlast is waiting in a big room filled with bookshelves that have many books of strategy. Oboro has a map of Graliel and the building where the World Council is having place and is smiling.
-Oboro: I have the perfect plan! First in the first 18 minutes after the start of the mission, Kidd, Artorias and Timber shall kill all the guards in the front door and we both shall kill any guard that is in our little hangar where we had our flying pets. We open the door of the hangar. Then we give Vilge a poison...
-Deadlast: Stop there. Vilge won't do that. I won't stain his hands with such act.
-Oboro: Then what he will do?
-Deadlast: We need a escape route. He'll cover you. I'll stay and help him.
-Oboro: No! Our only chance to escape is you and your flight order! If he wants to cover us, perfect! If not... You go alone.
-Deadlast: Okay.
-Oboro: Then instead of the poison, we enter from the backdoor, I jump quickly to Geralt's place and cut his neck. That way, Geralt's luck won't affect us. Meanwhile you kill Martha and avoid my death if possible. If I die, grab my body and run. After those 18 minutes, Artorias shall kick the first door, then Timber breaks the second door and Kidd throws a smoke bullet, I grab Shade and we escape. That way you can escape. Artorias will attack Duraralt and fight him off. Alvyn and Blaft won't move a finger thanks to the not fighting other GMs rule and neither won't attack if they know our purpose. Kidd and Timber working together can stall the others for 2 hours. In those hours, we can escape with Shade.
-Deadlast: A good plan but what if the federations and the big guilds are stronger than Timber and Kidd? I don't want them to lose. They are fighting for a safe world where their families will be able to have good times.
-Oboro: Change of idea. Grab Shade and run. I cannot escape too. In the end all what I'm doing is for them. Remember what you said about grabbing the card of humanity? I'm grabbing the card of hatred, using it to make the maids, a group that isn't with the GMs but stop the cheaters. They are only an extra group for that issue of cheaters. In the end we need a help with this, and I'm ready to be hated.

Deadlast knew what Oboro was saying, he knew that only the GMs and all the security systems put to stop the cheating and hacking wasn't enough. A group dedicated to that would cause that more and more people worked in stopping it. Stopping a trouble using the players themselves but the way was not a thing Deadlast approved. Clearly unefficient, they needed a leader and surely Shade was the leader that Oboro wanted but he wouldn't get nothing with trying to make her the leader. There was another reason, that was sure.
-Deadlast: Tell me why you want Shade so badly.
-Oboro: She has hidden 12 STAT seeds. I need them in the maids.
-Deadlast: So that's the reason. Why she hasn't used them in their people?
-Oboro: Maybe she knows that I know that she has hidden STAT seeds and doesn't want to use them like crazy.
-???: Or it can be that the STAT seeds after not bein' used during the hour of extraction returns to it's first owner.
-Oboro: Kidd. If that's true, why I don't know that?

An old elf with ash hair, blue eyes, with scars in his face and he looked pretty strong. He was wearing a cowboy hat, a leather armor that looked like a shirt and had extra armor pieces, black jeans that worked as the lower part of the armor, also filled with extra armor pieces, a pair of boots. He used a revolver and a knife. His gun was unique created by Duraralt and Diane working together. Also used some special bullets that Kidd, Diane and Duraralt could craft. Still the quality of each bullet created by Duraralt was clearly superior to anyone else.
-Kidd: Deadlast called me asking help. I couldn't say no. And more after knowing what Duraralt has done. I know that he couldn't do nothing about it but... What he has done is far too much. I know that he lost someone important to him back then.... But he can't close that issue or what?
-Oboro: He loved her, Kidd. Like you and your wife love each other. Imagine how he must feel.
-Deadlast: Now I'm really lost...
-Oboro: And better that you keep lost. Believe me when I say that. And Timber?
A big werewolf that was wearing brown robes that had several glyphs entered into the room. His fur was pure white and his eyes were red. He was smiling and was walking with a staff made of wood and leaves to where Oboro was. He was Timber, the druid GM also called Doctor Dead Nature thanks to his necromancy and druid skills.
-Timber: A pleasure to be called. But I hate fighting, you know that no?
-Deadlast: Yes, but we need your help. A lot of it.
-Timber: You need my nature skills. You are going to attack Graliel.
-Deadlast: We fight for a good reason.
-Timber: I understand that. They are going to attack us if we don't do a reminder of why they don't want to fight us. And it had happened already.
-Deadlast: Not only that! If I don't do this... How can I look at Minnie's eyes, who had her heart shattered by our boss? I have to make him become his old self.

Then the door was kicked down, it was Artorias, who looked very angry.
-Artorias: I'm the one that will kill him. I'll defeat him no matter what happens!
-Oboro: Yes, we know that. But you can defeat the Fairy King?
-Artorias: I can. Because he made Minnie cry! And those who cause her to cry shall be defeated by this dragon. I'll protect her no matter what!
Oboro smiled.
-Oboro: You want to win this fight for all those who you want to help and protect!?
-Deadlast: Yes.
-Kidd: Count me in!
-Timber: Your purpose is pure revenge.
-Artorias: I shall fight!
-Deadlast: Revenge... It's not that. I know the next GM that will be attacked. And who will attack. The big guilds will attack Lea if we don't do nothing. Only because she wanted justice for her friend! I shall defeat all the big guilds to protect Angel's Paradise!
Deadlast had a look that resembled to Duraralt in his first days as a leader of Angel's Paradise.
-Timber: I miss the old days. If this can bring him back... I'll fight until I die!
-Oboro: Well said!

Hi people! I hope that you like this chapter! This ark starts looking great! At least in my eyes! Glad to have so many reads and votes20.6K views and 1.05K votes I think. Thanks for all of your support and i hope that it goes even bigger!

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