Chapter 3 | Night of Fright

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Kellyn's POV

Once I finally got settled in the dorm, I decided to walk over and talk to Keith.

"Kellyn, are you the kind of guy who writes letters?" Keith asks me, "I'm writing to my parents about you, actually."

"Well then," I laugh, "I do, I just wrote to my sisters about everything that happened today, actually."

"Did you add in the part about how I beated you in a capture race?" he laughed.

"Yeah, and also the fact that I've met the most critical judge in my life," I replied.

"You're still holding that grudge?" he sighed.

"I told you, I would," I laughed.

"Okay, okay," Keith said, "Anyways, you're not sleepy yet, are you?"

"No, not really," I say.

Which is very surprising considering how much I ran and yelled today. This is very surprising for my standards.

"Okay then, follow me," he replied as he left the dorm room.

I followed him to see Rhythmi and some other kids around a table.

"Okay I brought him," he said to Rhythmi.

"And everything is ready," she replied as she turned towards the other kids, "Okay, let's get started with our test of courage to welcome Kellyn to our school."

They all silently screamed, "Yay!" before proceeding. I'm still lost here. . . Keith turned around an must've immediately saw my confusion, since he decided to explain what was going on.

"We just want to prove that you're brave," Keith said, "I had to do it before too, it's no big deal, really. But you do look like you can be scared easily. No offense."

Well, I was just nervous entering a class full of harmless human children. So I can't exactly argue with him about that.

"The rules are simple," Rhythmi explained, "We've hidden our Stylers around the school, you'll have to find them and place all four of them in front of the door to the basement room. It's not hard to do, but it's dangerous to go alone, that's why we have this one rule: the student seated next to the initiate has to go, too."

"And that means me," Keith whined.

"Okay, now off you two go!" Rhythmi said, "Don't die!"

"Um, that last part's unsettling," I mutter.

"She just wants to creep us out," Keith sighs, "Let's get moving."

I nod and follow Keith downstairs, and once we got downstairs we instantly hear shuffling. Then I heard something more terrifying, Keith's scream.

"WAAAAAH!" he yelled as he ran back up the small flight of stairs.

I glared at him for giving what was probably the worst headache of my life, "Will you calm down for heaven's sake?!"

"B-but, th-there's something there!" Keith whispered loudly.

I look towards the source of the noise, and it . . . was only a single, adorable, non-threatening Bidoof.

"Are you kidding me?" I muttered trying to hold my laughter back.

"I-it just startled just startled me," he stuttered, "It sure did spook me. . .You were spooked, too, right?"

"Wait right here," I said, "I'll get back to you with an answer in just about 16 seconds."

I ran towards the Bidoof, and decided to capture it. Coming back with it in my arms.

"I'm calling this guy Spoopy, just because of what happened here today," I laugh as I raise the Bidoof to Keith's face.

"Veeeeery funny, Kellyn," he sighed.

"I agree, it's very funny," I laugh and I brought Spoopy closer to me, "I'm actually surprised it made such a noise on it's own in the first place, if I'm gonna be honest."

Spoopy gave a small cry in response.

"Hurry up and find the Stylers already," Keith groaned, "I already made a fool of myself."

"Alright, alright," I replied, "Let's get going."

Finding all the stylers were easy, just as Rhythmi said they would be. And heck, I was able to keep Spoopy the whole time too, so I didn't even go over my befriended Pokémon limit.

"I can not believe you kept that thing with you this whole time," Keith groaned, "Seriously, it's not like you won't ever see it again."

"What, are you jealous of Spoopy?" I teased, yet again holding up the Bidoof.

"No I'm not jealous of a darn Bidoof," Keith pouted.

"Do you think he's telling the truth Spoopy?" I asked, turning the Pokémon towards me.

Spoopy made a cry in response while shaking it's head as if to say, "No".

"Yeah, I agree with ya bud," I said in response.

"Just hurry up already," Keith growled, "I'm too tired to deal with you right now."

"Alrighty then," I replied, "So now we go downstairs and leave the stylers in front of the room down there, right?"

"Yep," Keith sighed.

I looked down the stairs and took a deep breath, "Here goes nothing."

We both walked down the stairs into the dark hallway, at the end of said hallway was a dim light. I started to quickly walk up to the room, and pulled out the stylers I've collected.

"Okay, so now just plunk the stylers down here,then we can go back to the dorms," Keith whispered, "Hurry up, I really have a bad feeling about this place. . ."

As I was about to place the styluses down I began to hear Spoopy start to whimper.

"K-Kellyn, did you hear that?" Keith asked.

"That's probably just Sp-" I was about to reply until an extremely loud cry rang through the hallway.

"Nevermind what I was about to say," I muttered quickly.

"Kellyn hurry up!" Keith growled, "I don't think I can handle much more of this. . ."

"Alright, give me a second," I replied quickly.

The wailing screech from before echoed the hallway, making me drop the stylers all at once in front of the door.

"What the heck is that?" I muttered as I quickly tried to survey my surroundings.

"Oh my Arceus," I heard Keith mutter.

I noticed Spoopy started to frantically run around, until it finally decided to hid behind Keith. I finally decided to look up at the dark balls of gas that were floating above my head.

"Nope!" I instantly yelled while backing up, "Nope, nope, nopity, nope, nope!"

Then it's friends showed up, that was bad, really bad. I try to take out my styler quickly and capture the Ghastly. It became annoying quickly due to the fact they disappear whenever the heck they feel like it. This is precisely why I despise ever thinking of capturing ghost types. During the whole ordeal I was silently complaining about Keith was doing absolutely nothing to help. When I finally captured them, I turned around and glared at Keith, who seemed to be taking a minute to process everything that just happened.

"Oh, it was just some Ghastly. . ." Keith muttered.

That's when the door behind me slammed open, and I rushed to to the other side of the hallway.

"WHO'S THERE?!" Mr.Kincaid yelled, "The basement is off-limits to everyone!"

"Run for it!" Keith yelled as he began to dash out of the hallway with me tailing after him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2017 ⏰

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