lee taeyong ☁ nct

101 16 15

written by taehyuck

As the sun's rays cast their light across the room, Yura felt herself being pulled into consciousness. Sleep no longer claimed her body as she let out a peaceful hum and revelled in the comfort the sun brought with it.

Before her eyes had even opened to greet the fine morning that waited, she could sense that something was different. The extra warmth that encompassed her body, the weight that rested against her hipbone; she had grown to miss those familiar sensations in the previous weeks.

Without sparing another second, Yura's eyes flew open.


Despite taking a while to adjust to the brightness that greeted them, her eyes could easily make out the figure that lay before her. She had memorized every single part of him.

The way the sunlight trailed across the silky plains of his exposed chest, the subtle crease in between his eyebrows as he remained in his deep slumber. Even the unkempt waves of hair that fell across his forehead and left her fingers itching to push them back. She had grown to miss all of it. The soft snores that left his parted lips were like music to her ears.

A smile quirked at the corners of her lips as she drank him in with her eyes, the top of his chest exposed while the rest was obscured by the blanket they shared. An ache reverberating in her chest as she was overwhelmed with emotions, the feeling had a habit of appearing every time she laid her eyes upon his beauty. Although, the opportunities had been scarce in the past months.

"Good morning."

His deep voice pulled her from her observations. She was so caught up in her own thoughts she had failed to notice the subtle change in his breathing or the fact his eyelids had begun to twitch as he came to consciousness. Yura's eyes met his as they were revealed from behind sleepy eyelids.

"Good morning," she replied, pushing herself up onto her arms. She didn't want to leave the bed, not knowing how long she had with him, but she knew the day had to continue on as normal. "Did you want anything for breakfast?"

Her legs slipped off of the bed as she turned her back to him, the silky sheets rubbing against her skin with each movement. Before she could stand up, however, long fingers had snaked their way around her forearm and she was tugged back into the comforting embrace of the bed they shared. Her body collided with his once more, his warmth transferring to her as her skin met his as his arms coiled their way around her waist.

"No thank you, baby." The name sounded heavenly coming from his lips as he nestled his nose into her neck and let out a small yawn. "Just stay here. With me."

She needed no further convincing as she rested against his bare chest, her breathing syncing with his own. Her hand rested beside her head, fingers tracing intricate designs into his skin as she listened to the therapeutic sound of his heartbeat.

"Please stop doing that," Taeyong murmured. His skin prickled at the feeling of her gentle hands running over his skin, leaving raised hairs in their wake. She stopped almost immediately, her fingers halting their movement as she tilted her head up to peer at him.

"Are you sure about that?" A childish grin pulled at her lips as she pulled her hand away from his skin and instead settled on the pillow beside him.

The absence of her touch felt foreign and unwelcoming, his skin becoming void of her warmth as she moved away from him teasingly. With a pout on his lips, Taeyong wordlessly pulled her hand back into its previous spot, tugging her ever closer to his body in a single motion. She resumed the movement as she traced patterns down his chest once more and he let out a heavy sigh.

"God, I've missed this."

His heart felt heavy at the thought of her waking up alone every morning, waiting on a rare night where he wasn't too exhausted to come home. It was hard enough on him, waking up in bed alone with the sound of his bandmates snoring around him, but at least he was around others. She lived alone here, there was no one else to fill the silence during those lonely nights.

Yura let out a low hum of agreement at his comment before noticing the silence that had settled between them. She looked up at him as he thought, her eyes studying his features as he chewed on his bottom lip. The conflicted look that settled across his features, the downturned edges of his lips and the storminess in his eyes were not missed by her observant gaze. She knew immediately what he was thinking about, and her smile vanished. They had argued many times over the matter that seemed to plague his mind constantly, even when he was in her presence.

"I'm fine here, you know that right?" she asked, her voice gentle as she coaxed him from his troubled thoughts. He looked down at her, his worries washing away at the sight of her face so close to his own. Taeyong scooped up her hand where it had stilled on his chest, lacing her delicate fingers together with his before letting them rest once more.

"I know." He let out a sigh as he rubbed the pad of his thumb over her hand, knowing it was stupid to get upset over something they had discussed so many times. "I just worry about you."

"Sure, I do miss you, but it just makes moments like these all the more special. I'm a strong girl Tae, I can handle being here by myself."

"But you're my girl," he responded, "So I don't care how strong you are, I still want to look after you. I can't help it."

She smiled at the sentiment, her cheeks heating up as she pressed them against his chest to hide the colour that pooled in them. He wasn't a fool, though. He chuckled as he pressed a lingering kiss to the top of her head and they fell back into silence. Instead of talking, they revelled in the calmness that surrounded them, the warmth they shared and the love they held that burnt even brighter than the sun that filtered in through the window.

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