kim jongdae + kim minseok ☁ exo

41 11 25

written by gaydoesnotmeanshitty

jongdae's fingers, long and nimble—yet peculiarly callused for someone boring such slender and rounded hands—curled softly over the sloped expanse of minseok's narrow shoulders. a familiar thrum of sharp energy, electricity, pulsated through minseok's skin to the base of his spine, eliciting a delicious jolt.

"ah, jongdae," he whispered, adjusting his sleek tie in the mirror adjacent to the hard lines of his body. jongdae's blunt nails dug into the expensive breadth of minseok's onyx black suit, almost imperceptibly, as minseok continued, "it's happening again."

jongdae's eyes, deep and dark—secretive yet susceptible to those whom he deemed worthy—found minseok's amidst the reflective surface. "i'm sorry."

minseok's almond shaped eyes, slim and feline, widened at the defeated tone that bore itself into jongdae's words. "no! you know that's not what i mean." he took a breath, his lungs filling with the scent of a rich and distinctive cologne, before he said, "you're not the only one. see, my hands are getting all cold now."

minseok's fingertips, wider than the elegancy of jongdae's, skimmed the back of jongdae's palm as though he were forcing music from an invisible piano. the paths that his fingers had traced left a remarkable red mark, chilling the skin to the point of frostbite. jongdae bit his lip at the sudden transition from warm to bitingly cold, though he stood his ground. minseok's breath left a thin sheen of mist before his face, startling in the cozy environment of the room the boys stood in.

neither had the audacity to address the monstrosity that had grown thick in the room—our powers, oh my god, they're showing—instead, jongdae simply uttered, "we should eat something before we leave."


minseok and jongdae were the only sons of two unbelievably influencial and successful businessmen. most of their frivolous endeavours were situated in seoul, though the prospect of travel and foreign countries had become almost mundane to the boys.

it seemed only natural for the minseok and jongdae to grow accustomed to inane luxuries and exclusive treatment, and one such case was taking place that night. an exquisite banquet, hosted by minseok's father, established in a hotel so ridiculously grand and golden that it brought an ache to jongdae's chest.

"hyung, this place is making me uncomfortable," jongdae whispered, his lush lips moving against the shell of minseok's ear. their shoulders were pressed together, minseok's skin still frigid, disturbingly so. jongdae was afraid his breath would come out in translucent puffs should he exhale beside minseok.

"i'm sorry. we've just got to say hello to everyone, dance with a couple of the girls that dad's set us up with, and then we're free to go. you know the drill."

"yes, i know the drill. that doesn't mean that i've got to like it." the exasperation in jongdae's voice was curiously unusual—he was never one to complain or peruse the negative aspect of an unfortunate situation. it raised a certain level of interest in minseok, for he was not used to this strange, impatient side of his closest friend.

"jongdae, i don't want to be here any more than you do," minseok's deeply bronzed hand—a distinctive, if not ironic, contrast to the white cold that seeped through his suit jacket and to his goose bumped skin—enclosed over jongdae's shoulder, guiding him towards a buffet table that stretched obnoxiously before them, "just follow my lead, and everything will be okay."


"yoonji. a pretty name for an even prettier girl," minseok very nearly cooed, eliciting a secluded gag from jongdae. though he tried not to show it, the persona that minseok took on at events such as these brought a sickening feeling to his stomach. it was just so unlike the person jongdae knew minseok to be, and it was incredibly disheartening.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2017 ⏰

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