White Chocolate

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"I remember my first love, I remember my first love" Cavalier James Vincent Mcmorrow

Pamela and Nathanial have been seeing each other for a few months. Five to be exact.

Pamela finally got into school for culinary. Nathanial. Well..

He was off. Two times she could've sworn she caught him with another woman. But what really added to her suspision was the fact that he kept having to leave the room for calls and shit.

She is madly in love with Nathanial. Which is why she really didn't understand why he chose to act this way now instead of leading her towards heart break.

So for the past twenty minutes she had been really contemplating barging in there.

You would thing with all the places he would go outside and atleast make her feel as if he wasn't cheating on her.

Not even.

Nathanial has loved this woman since he saw her walk into his place of work.

Pamela has been suspecting things. Five months and he hasn't had sex with her yet. Three weeks without a kiss. Hell, three weeks without even a hug. She is seriously pissed at him. Her withdraw from him is killing him.

He needed to hurry up and hurry now.

Pamela was working on a bit of homework when the house phone began to ring.She looked down and saw it was Nathanial. Pam got up, closed the door to her bedroom and answered the phone.

"Hello." She said plainly.

"Hey, what are you doing?" He asked.

"Nothing, homework. You?"

"Nothing really, thinking."

"How is that working for you?"

"Alright, I guess."

"Yeah, cool."

"Sure, Listen I have something planned for us."

"Oh really, I told you I don't want to go anywhere with you."

"And I said I didn't give a damn. This is important to me."

"You sure?"

Bab- I mean Pamela I am positive. What if I got you a ring and asked you to marry me? Then would you come? I need you, Pam..."


"I've got to go. Make sure your ready at eight tonight."

"Why am I doing this?"

"Because you love me.."

"Hmmm.." she grunted.

"Don't start Pam. Everything will surely be explained tonight."


"Alright, bye."

"Bye, oh and dress fancy."

She placed her phone on the bed. Just as she started to process things her doorbell rang.

"Come in!"

Her best friend Jennifer walked in.


"What Jennifer?" She asked applying pressure to her temples.

Jennifer has gotten a lot better since the incident. She doesn't cringe everytime someone reaches for her, and she's gotten her glow back.

"What's been up with you lately? You okay?"

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