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Seith's P.O.V

One thousand feet away from the ground, sitting in my black leather comfy chair in my glass office which over looked THE New York City.

In my hand was a file consisting of records from the underworld. Things were really going well.

The figures were outstanding.

New York was my main territory which I had fought for over many years back with blood, sweat and tears. I had hundreds dealers on the streets, a chain, intersections all coming back to me. All these numbers multiplied looking at all the countries globally. I worked well in Africa, America, Germany and Russia.

I had difficulty in the other countries since there were other mafia groups but I was working with government officials and soon would be expanding and dominating in more than a ten countries. This was not a game. I took my job seriously and never took no for an answer. Father taught me well. I didn't fear death and that made me unstoppable.

There were three shipments that came in every week, cargo full of merchandise from all over the world showing that my boys were seriously working. My system was working very smoothly. Father would be so proud. That fuck of a bastard.

It was this way because I had made alliances with some of the mafias like the Vintagè cartel. I supplied them with money, drugs, girls from all different countries and they allowed me to operate in their territory since they don't have access to the southern countries.

I came from the daze of admiring my work as my phone buzzed on the waxed chocolate table.

Looking at the caller ID a smile crept in my face.

"You haven't called me in a week!" That was the first thing she shot through the phone.

"I'm sorry grams, I was busy." I apologized before she started yelling and scorning me.

"You better be sorry young man. How can you ignore your old dying grams?"

"You're not dying grandma, come on. You making me guilty."

"You should be. Are you coming this thanksgiving? Please come. I haven't seen you in a year. Phil and Thomas will be here with their families." I hated thanksgiving. We had to sit down with those low sucker cousins and talk about shit. I hated it but for grams I had to go. I hadn't seen her in a while and she gets worried sick when I don't visit her in a long time.

"You know I'll be there grams, you know I love spending Thanksgiving with you."

"Okay, can't wait and bring that lovely girlfriend of yours. I saw her on TV. She was stunning."

The line died.


I hate it when she does that. Now I have to bring that stupid girl or my grams would shout until she literally had a heart attack.


Things I do that old wrinkled trouble-maker. I pressed a button in my office phone and my first assistant Haley came bashing into my office.


"Call the agency and tell them to make another contract. I want that stupid girl." She marched away, closing the door behind.

I hated this.
Melissa's P.O.V

After two days of sobbing and feeling sorry for myself I finally got off bed and did something useful to keep me busy.

I cleaned my house. I plugged my phone on the speaker and blustered some music as I scrubbed the floor. I cleaned my room, sorting out my closet and taking out old cloths I would give away.

Around twelve I made my way to the bathroom and took a bubble bath. I needed to get my mind off everything and to do that I had to just do things that could make me relax and be around people so after dressing in my black shorts and white shirt along with my half boot all-stars, I took the plastic filled with old cloths and headed towards the nearest shelter.

Plugging in my earphones I blustered some Chris brown songs. Maybe they would help my mood a bit. I wanted to sing along but couldn't bring myself to. Tried to smile as much as I could but it was hard.

I got into the city's shelter, finding a long queue since it was lunch time.

"Hi Marlin!" I waved at the woman who was at the kitchen dishing some food. A lot of people volunteered here most of the time but since it was in the middle of the week. There were only seven young girls and five young boys, all teenagers.

I placed the plastic in Marlin's office and made my way to the kitchen.

"Hi Melissa." She said back.

Merlin was around fifty years. She started this shelter with her husband who passed away four years ago, so I have heard. She was a sweet old generous lady. The only person I knew around here. Getting in line, I grabbed a plate and started dishing.

The line went on and on and on. I was tired and there were still around twenty people queuing. Smiling, I gave the homeless old man the plate I was holding as he grinned ear to ear.

"Thank you," He said as my smile widened.

I felt this inner peace as I helped others. At least I was doing something for others. It was not much but it was something.

Everyone was seated now, enjoying their meal.

Marlin came to me.

"What are you doing here today?" She asked, giving me a questioning look.

"Just had free time. No work today" I tried giggling.

She stared at me as if sensing that something was wrong.

"What happened to your face?" She asked touching my cheek.

"I got into an accident," It was a white lie. The falling thing never worked so this was better.

"My poor child. Are you ok?"

"Yes, I'm fine" I said taking her hands off my face and into mine "I'm fine Marlin".

My phone buzzed in my pocket, rescuing me from this conversation.

I picked it up without checking the ID.


"Melissa, you have been called into the office," Camilla's voice shot through the phone.

"You can't do that, you fired me remember!"
"Do you prefer us sending agents to pick you up forcefully, wherever you are because we can?" The line died and I stood there in shock. Why did I even work for these people in the first place?

You thought they were the good guys, a voice in my mind said.

"Melissa, You were fired!" Marlin knocked me out of it and I found myself staring at her in a daze.

"I have to go, see you soon." I said kissing her cheek while running out of the place.

It was damn hot and I was rushing down the streets like crazy. Camilla wasn't joking, she'd send a squad team to fetch me. I hated them, I hated them all.

I made my way into the elevator which had seven people in it, all wearing suits. When the doors opened I rushed to Camille's office.

"Finally you are here!" She said standing up, straightening her skirt then led me to the boss's office.

The glass doors slid opened as we approached, my eyes fell on the old, very neat man in an exquisite suit. I wanted to just bash his skull open but I wouldn't be able to do it.

I was too angry even to notice the massive office. The marble floor sparkled, going with the black rug. Four white couches were at the outline of the room while a big black shinny table stood at the middle of the room. South of it stood a book shelve filled with books and books. I had never been here.

"Have a sit," The old man offered as Camilla left the room.

"No," I shot back at his grey misty eyes.

He was not my boss anymore and he treated me like shit.

"Angry aren't we?"

I continued staring.

"You have your job back," He said tossing me my ID Interpol card.

"I don't want it," I said emphasizing every word.

"You don't have a choice sweetheart. Now you have your assignment back. Seith Rosewood."

A shiver ran through my spine and I found it hard to even breathe. They were going to force me.


"Okay, playing hard. Take a look at that" He threw a file at me.

I shook my head in denial. I knew how this worked, they would blackmail me with anything and everything.

I took the file with shaky hands, opening it I held my breath. Page after page, my eyes scanned every word with my knees getting weaker and weaker. My hands started shaking so hard, the file flapped in my hand. I held on the chair in front of me, wishing I would have taken that seat.

Melissa Dlamini charged with 51 charges, an illegal immigrate that hacked into the government system, stole security codes selling them to the Russians along with China. A spy living with a stolen identity of Britney Wilson. Charges of theft, hitting two police officers, espionage ....

The folder was snatched out of my grasp.

"It's not true, you are lying. All of it is bull!" I shouted, trying to grab it but he put it in a drawer and locked it.

"Is it really because to me Melissa it seems like you are a terrorist. No one will believe you, you will be locked away only to be killed within the week. Now tell me who will talk on your behalf then. No one will even notice you are gone Orphan, life is a bitch and you my darling are going to do as I say." He said standing up, walking around me so closely, his breath fanned my hair as a shiver went down my spine.

"Okay. Everything is still the same. You collect as much information as you can and send it to us. The only thing is you now communicate directly with the man. He will contact you when he needs you. Do not mess this up or you will regret the day you were born."

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