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I couldn't believe my ears. I felt like throwing up, I had to see him again and I just couldn't bear to even think about it.

"Miss, are you okay. Don't throw up in my car lady."

The cab driver's words rang in my ears without even making sense to me. My mind was processing slower while my heart was working overtime. My face was flaming and I couldn't even imagine how red I was. The cab pulled over as I grabbed some dollar bills and threw them as I made my way out.

Unlocking the door, I got in, locked it and leaned against it. I had to pull myself together, I was an agent for Christ sakes. I could deal with this. It was just a mission. When it was over I would get the last laugh while I start afresh in another country. I just had to do my job for a few months and be strong. I had to be strong.

I could do this. I was smart.


With that I got up and went to my room, sitting on the bed, not sure what to do.

I had to relax, just relax.

I filled the tub and poured all my favourite oils. Poured myself a glass of white wine then played Skylar grey on loud speaker while I read my favourite novel ' silver lining'.

It was a historical novel which talked about a young girl who was engaged to an already engaged man who didn't love her at all. It was really funny since she was a tomboy who didn't know anything about civilization. I read for hours and hours until I fell into a deep slumber.

I woke up with a start, my body shivering to death, the water was freezing cold.

"Aaahhhh," I shouted picking my soaked book from the water. This was my favourite book and it was now ruined. Angrily I threw it in the bin then grabbed a towel and dried myself.

It was dark outside and my tummy grumbled in protest.

I grabbed my phone from the speaker and ordered some Chinese food while I picked a good movie.

An hour later I was in between the blankets watching 'High strung' while munching on some nice juicy Chinese food. The blanket suddenly moved as my new phone found its way down to the floor.

Looking at the time, it was ten o'clock. Who would call me at this time?


"Hi, is this Britney Wilson?"

"Yes, who is this?"

"My name is Pearl, I am Mr Rosewood's assistant and he would like to let you know that two people will come by tomorrow morning."

"For what?" I didn't get an answer because the line was long dead.

I scratched my head thinking of what to do, what could I do? I just had to play it cool. I wondered what the two would be here to do.

The movie went on as my mind drifted in thought until I fell asleep. At seven I was up and ready to kick ass. I got off bed and took a bath then did my bed and tidied my room.

By eight I was sitting on the counter, eating some cocoa pops while watching the morning news on my flat screen on the living room wall. I had an open kitchen which allowed me to watch TV while cooking.

I loved my house, it was nothing fancy but nice and small, I tried to make it as homey as I could but being low on funds, I just bought second hand furniture online.

I had planned it all, with my first salary I would buy a new rug, couch along with some nice purple drapes but all of that didn't matter now. I had to save so that when I was done, I could get the hell out of this country. I needed a new start.


A knock sounded on the door causing me to almost fall from the counter.


My heart thundered like African drums, I thought I was going to die from a heart attack. Slowly walking to the door, I slightly opened it and peaked through.

A guy with red flaming hair, wearing a dark blue skinny suit stood at my door step along with a skinny yet curvy girl who wore a white tight, short dress. The guy was obviously gay, he was damn pouting.

The girl was beautiful in a very poppy way; the blond Barbie hair with her Angelina Jolie lips along with JLo's ass.

They looked harmless. I could take down both of them in seconds. I dilated the door as the guy assessed me from head to toe.

"Hi, how can I help you?" I asked, not sure of what to do.

"Morning to you too darling, O.M.G you need so much work! Look at those hands and that hair. Jesus, where have you been living. You look terrible babe. Its okay, Ben is here to sort that out." The guy said pushing his way in with his squeaky voice.

"Aahh," I gasped from being pushed and bullied in my house.

"Who are you exactly?" I asked, still stunned.

"I am Ben McFee and this is my fabulous Lala Shana."

"Okay, Ben McFee, what are you doing in my house?"

"Oohh darling you call this a house!" He was now in my living room, assessing my couch. Gosh he was making me boil in anger. I found myself staring him with killer eyes.

"Oohh gosh, you are just as scary as him, I am here to change your wardrobe, do your hair, nails and all that darling."

My mind processed again and again then it clicked.

"What, what is wrong with my wardrobe?"

"Sorry sweety, you look like a drug addict. What the hell are you wearing right now?" Ben said, now taking me in from head to toe with a disgusted look on his face.

I felt like punching him. I was wearing blue ripped jeans with a white vest. He was just insulting me.

"There is nothing wrong with my cloths, I don't need all your cloths and make up so please leave." I said walking to and opening the door for them.

"It was not a request darling. You like it or not we are doing a makeover on you, sorry but it's the boss's words." He said taking a seat on my couch, crossing his legs while his assistant stood like a damn robot next to my couch.

I hate everything that has to do with that awful man.

I closed the door in defeat.

"So what do we do?" I asked walking to Ben.
He jumped up "take your bag darling, we going shopping," He was now typing in his phone, mumbling.

Grabbing my keys and phone, I led the way out then locked the door behind them.

Ben was jumping up and down with excitement, apparently I was his new big project. Mr Rosewood's girl, that's what he called me.

At the road stood a tinted black Range Rover and a big buffy guy, ripped muscles and all that, stood just outside the vehicle. The guy wore a black suit, leather shoes and had a bold head. A dark tattoo ran down his face, snaking itself around his dangerous looking face. I shook my head, thinking how dangerous this was, how I was risking my life. What had they gotten me into?

I put one feet in front of the other, taking deep breaths to calm myself down. On the other hand Ben was just mumbling as if all this was normal. Did he know what Mr Rosewood was? I doubt though.

The door was now opened for us. Ben got on first followed by Lala then myself. The door was closed behind me while the scary dude got into the passenger seat and the driver brought the car to life.

Keeping my mind occupied, I admired the interior of the car. The seats were covered by creamy leather while other parts were covered in black leather. A blank screen stood just at my face from the passenger's seat. The only sound came from Ben who was now talking about all the shops we were going to. Tuning him out, I watched the trees and cars pass by. It was hot with a breeze kicking in now and then.

In minutes we were parking at a space with a reserved sign. The door was opened for me and I slipped out, scanning the streets of New York. They were busy as always, and noisy. Ben led the way to a boutique I had never noticed before. Maybe it was because I never came to this part of town. Only rich people shopped here, not everyone could enter in these shops.

"Cassie darling!" Ben shouted as we were just making it past the door. Another blonde with round hips, big ass and thin waist came rushing, kissing Ben's cheeks. As much as I knew that it was all silicon, I still felt inferior just standing next to her, she looked amazing.

"Ben," Her voice was squeaky.

"Here she is, just pull anything hot and fancy from dresses, skirts, tops, lingerie, to shoes. Work your magic bae." Ben said pushing me to Cassie.

"Oohh." Cassie said giving me a disgusted look. It made me look at myself, maybe there was something wrong.

"Okay!" She suddenly said, turning and walking away as her ass wiggled. I followed her and we walked past a red curtain to what seemed to be a lounge.

"Sit here," She pointed at the red couch that faced twin fitting rooms.

I sat while a young girl with black hair and eyes, wearing a silky black dress brought me wine with chocolates.

"Thank you," I said as she placed the glass and box down.

A chandelier hung from the white ceiling while the place was decorated with roses of all colours. The carpet was white while the couch was red.

I sat there for five minutes before Cassie came back with three dresses in her hands.

"Try these," She said throwing them at me. I caught them and walked to the fitting room.

The first one was a black open cocktail dress laced with gold. The other was an evening, red and strapless dress that hugged my body, covering my feet while the last one was also red but with two slits ending at my thigh and a bare back.

Cassie seemed to be satisfied with all the dresses. More clothes came, one after the other, I fitted them getting nods from Ben and the two blondes.

After all that they took me to a beauty shop where my hair, face and nails were done.

I just sat there, scratching the leather of the chair just holding myself from bursting up and telling them to fuck off. Why was I fixing myself for that rotten man, it was just like I was begging for being treated the way I was that day. I closed my eyes, holding tight to the chair while they washed, curled and styled my hair with the others doing my feet and hands.

It was six o'clock when the car came into a halt in front if my house. The boot was filled with paper bags from all that shopping. I was mentally exhausted, Ben was such a bully. He never took no for an answer.

The door was opened for me and I slid out while the guard started off loading the boot. I just couldn't wait to get away from Ben. He nagged about everything. He wants to buy this and that, this and that, things I would never wear like the black lingerie, I would rather be eaten by those hounds.

I'd have to die first.

I didn't even know why we had bought all these clothes. I was worried and nervous. What was that dirty man planning? I carried the last paper bag after Ben to my room.

"Thank you Ben, I will handle all this. Bye." I said pointing at all the scattered bags, my floor was completely covered.

"Okay bae, whuu! I am so exhausted," He walked out as I followed to close the door.

"And girl, you are stunning," I smiled, okay, he was not that bad.

"Thank you Ben," I said politely

He waved as he got in the car and they drove off. As I was about to walk back in, I recognized a silver Mercedes with tinted windows parked opposite my house, it had no number plates. My heart raced, causing me to shut the door and lock it. Then my phone decided to just ring.

"Gosh," Taking it out of my pocket

Unknown number.

I slid my middle finger across the screen.

"Hello," my voice so low, I couldn't even hear it myself.

"A car will come for you at six a.m. sharp. Pack for two to three weeks, only the clothes I bought you." The line died.

I thought I'd faint.

His voice was harsh and demanding, shaking my core with so much venom. Memories of that other night flushed back, leaving me falling back to the door, breathing harshly. The phone slipped to the floor as I took slow long breaths to calm myself. It seemed like hours when I blinked the defeat away and stood straight, convincing myself that he would never hurt me for I would strangle him in his sleep. My mind then travelled to where I was going, two to three weeks. That is why I went shopping today. Was he going to a business trip? I hoped so and not going to kill me in some deserted island.

Calming myself I walked to my room and pulled out a big pink adidas bag, walking back to the living room. I sat on the cold floor and started packing. I didn't even know where we were going so I was not sure if to pack light or warm clothes.

Firstly I folded some t-shirts, jeans followed by skirts and underwear when I was done with that the bag couldn't even zip. Running to the room, I took out my huge suitcase where I threw four fur coats and a few dresses.

The watch blinked ten and the room was now dark with the only light coming from my neighbour's house. I switched on the lights, made some noodles then got yet another suitcase. This was the last one and I didn't know what I would do if the shoes didn't fit. At twelve I was dead beat with everything I needed packed and placed by the door.

I was not looking forward to tomorrow.

Before going to bed, I peeked on the window and the tinted car was still there.

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