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I sat on the home made camping bed if I might call it that. I had refused to sleep on the bed so he had ripped out the sheets, making a comfortable sleeping area on the floor, watching him with questioning eyes not liking this side of him as if he cared. The fire crackled before me, watching the log burn slowly, turning black with the only light coming from the orange flames of the fire that had the whole room warm. I sighed, grabbing the sleeves of the oversized grey sweater belonging to none other than him. I sat wearing thick sweatpants, a sweater- his sweater which he had insisted I wear above the knitted jersey with my fluffy warm socks but even with that it was not enough, the rain having brought cold that left the windows frozen.

A bowl that had carried spicy hot noodles sat just a few inches from me as having ate all its contents, leaving it empty, feeling sated yet sleep seeming too out of reach for me. My eyes flashed to him as he walked out of the closet, the lights switching off behind him. He had just taken his own shower, now wearing his own sweatpants along with a white t-shirt walking on the floor barefooted, my eyes watching his feet pat the ground so gently, not even making a sound. My arms wrapped around my body, the pains still there yet I could breathe now and even crack a smile. The fire helped a lot along with the bath. I eased my body down straight, my head hitting the pillow that had been placed for me. I pulled the blankets up to my chin, sighing at the warmth it provided. Next to me was another pillow, his pillow waiting for him as he slipped in next to lay on his side just like I had only for our eyes to meet, his face inches away so much so we were breathing the same air. I shifted a little, feeling uncomfortable, the pose just seeming too intimate. It seemed like something a couple would do -a loving couple, something I would appreciate if not for the circumstances.

We lay there, the only sound from the crackling fire lulling us to sleep yet our eyes stayed open staring right to each other. He looked so cute if I might say, dangerously cute with his scent having me taking a deep breath at how good he smelt. There were so many things in my mind, so many things I wanted to ask him yet I found myself not wanting to disturb the peace, the silence that was so calming it left me at ease.

"Thank you for tonight," I finally said honestly, knowing that not a lot of people would have done all that he had done. He said nothing, his eyes never leaving my face, taking me in and analysing my every move, making me uncomfortable as suddenly it felt like he could see through to my soul. It seemed like suddenly he was staring at my core, the real me.

"What are you thinking?" His voice was low yet clear, holding authority without him knowing. It was strong and demanding.

"I am thinking about you." I answered honestly, staring right into his dark green eyes, seeing not even a reaction as he stared not saying anything back.

"I think you broke me."
"I could never break you." He said as I fought the tears that threatened to fall yet one managed to slip only for him to catch it with his thumb, wiping it away, leaving my body quivering from his touch.

"I don't feel normal, I am so scared." And I should be scared, this face he was wearing would only slip and the beast would make himself known.

He turned around, staring at the white ceiling, his eyes closed letting me know that was the end of the conversation. I lay there, my eyes staring at his shoulder yet not seeing. The sound of the heavy rain with the fire slowly sent my lids drooping, closing for a minute only to open and repeat it all over again until there was nothing but darkness surrounding me yet the arms grabbing me to a hard chest not going unnoticed, just too far gone to do anything, drifting away to my safe place.

My eyes fluttered open only to close and open again. The first thing I noticed was how warm I was, caged in what seemed to be strong arms, my head on a chest that was rising up and down. I looked around confused, hearing the harsh rain pour down the roof with no mercy. The room was dark, so dark I could barely see my own skin yet I knew who lay beneath me, knew exactly who it was that my legs were tangled with. I thought about waking him but the huff escaping his lips nearly had me giggle at how cute he was. My stomach growled, the hunger so intense it felt like my insides were literally eating each other. My eyes trailed down the arms holding me, seeing that getting out of there would be a real struggle none the less I tried pulling at his arm only for him to stir, freezing in motion only for him to drift back. A breath escaped me, my hands trying again but his hold too strong so I lay there, the hunger keeping me from sleep. As I lay on his chest, hearing his heartbeat, the sound something of a wonder as my own heart started drumming not even sure why. My eyes trailed all around the walls, the fire having died down. The time passed, seconds turning to minutes, my stomach getting louder and louder, leaving me no choice.

"Mr Rosewood," I tried giving him a shake, not getting anything from him so I tried again, getting a bit closer.

"Mr Rosewood," I gave him a shake again, waiting, seeing him stir, his eyes fluttering open nearing making me purr. He was so cute, making me want to cuddle him. I shook my head, not knowing why I was even thinking of him in this way. This man was evil and cruel!

"What is it?" he asked, confusion clouding him as he tried so hard to sober up but failing.

"Can you please ease up your arms, I am hungry and want to grab something to eat." I said pulling up my best smile.

"Do you want me to get it for you?" he asked so kindly it took me by surprise, none the less I shook my head getting it cleared before I replied.

"No, thank you, I will get it." I said as he eased his arms from me, quickly slipping out and turning around to find him dead asleep. 

I stood up not even sure what he was doing. The cold was the first thing I felt, immediately missing his arms only to scold myself. He is the devil! It seemed I had to keep reminding myself, anyways I slipped my slippers, walking to the door only to stop as his voice broke through.

"Melissa, bring me my gun." He said, turning around on the floor and passing out, letting it be known that he was sleep talking. He was so cute sometimes. I closed the door, walking away to the elevator, seeing the guards standing all around wondering if they were warm enough. The doors opened as I made my way to the kitchen, the house dark and quiet, the only comfort coming from the fact that there were guards so nothing could happen to me, right?

I walked, the only sound from my feet being dragged across the room, the cold seeping through my clothes as I held on tightly to the sweater he had gave me that smelt of nothing but him. A sound caught my attention, my eyes snapping only to see a figure frozen in motion, setting my heart drumming, shock paralysed me just like it seemed it had paralysed them too. I wanted to ask who it was but my heart not allowing me to do anything as it beat from my throat. I was finally able to take a step, walking closer to see that it was a woman, a heavily pregnant woman to be precise.

"Hi Ashley you gave me a scare." I said, walking towards her, eyes on the tiny bag she carried only for her to quickly walk past me with no hi or bye. I stared at her shadow until she was out of sight, my heart breaking for her really. To have a husband like that, I swear I would die. Wished I could do something but with time I hoped I could put them all behind bars.

I walked on, getting deeper and deeper in the house until I saw the door which led to the kitchen. Getting there I opened the door, walking in and the light immediately turning on only for me to gasp. This was the biggest kitchen I had ever seen in my whole life. All the appliances were upgraded, everything in shining steel, the counter tops marble with a beautiful backsplash making it look heavenly. I walked further in, rushing to the fridge, opening it, looking for any left overs and to my luck there were tonnes of Tupperware filled with food left over from the previous night. I took what I needed out, placing it in the microwave, warming it up before taking out a plate and dishing. The kitchen was cold and the thought of eating here alone was kind of scary because this house was beyond creepy at night yet making the whole way back up with a plate in hand seemed exhausting plus the food would be cold when I got there. I sat down on the stool, spoon in hand, digging in the plate filled with food as if five people would eat with me. I gulped the food down thinking of the whole night and how I had woken up in his arms. I shook my head again, this all getting crazy, making me want nothing more than to leave at this point. My mind then drifted to his last sentence freezing in motion, the spoon dropping, the loud clatter of the spoon meeting the plate echoing all around the room as I paled.

Had he called me Melissa?

I shook my head, maybe I was hearing things now, I thought.

The loudest scream, so loud it had me paling again, tore through the house making me freeze where I was, the night getting weirder, wishing that I should have stayed in bed. Slowly, I made my way out the kitchen, another scream breaking through seeming so desperate. My heart hammered like crazy, my own tears welling up, my mind telling me to run back to my room as quickly as possible yet my curiosity had me walking towards the noise, my head cursing at me shouting, over and over again for me to run the other way but of course curiosity killed the cat and I was next as I took another step, getting closer and closer. The screams got louder and louder, my feet getting faster and faster as I took the stairs two at a time, freezing where I was too scared to move, too shocked to even scream, my mind leaving me as I stood there watching in utter horror.

It was until another scream so loud tore through the air that I sprung in action, jumping down the rest of the steps, my feet connecting with his face as he stumbled back, and blood everywhere. Ashley was on the floor, thrashing. My eyes were not able to tear from her, my tears streaming down my face, her badly bruised body on the floor and hand over her stomach, more and more blood pooling around her. The gash, he had hit her with the back of the gun, open, blood seeping but in all that chaos he came at me with his all. He hit me so hard with the gun, the knife on his other hand tearing through my chest with his leg pushing me as I stepped back, stepping on Ashley. My body stumbled, hitting the stairs as I rolled over and over again, my own scream tearing through the air, a crack filling my buzzing ears and my body hitting the wall so hard slumping on the floor.

It seemed at that moment everything went still. It seemed at that moment my own life flashed in front of my eyes, hearing her screams as he stabbed her over and over again, tears streaming down my eyes, my body violently shaking.  The darkness crawled around me, feeling the claws of death grab at me yet I could not die, I could not leave her, he could not do this! I had to save her! I had to save her. I tried getting up, tried moving my limbs but it seemed there was a disconnect as they failed me, lying limp on the floor. A sob tore through me as she screamed and screamed until there was just nothing. The silence was so loud, making my ears buzz, the silence so pregnant knowing that she was gone, knowing that Thomas had stabbed her to death, the room spinning so fast with my eyes dropping, too tired to fight and too tired to hold on but then a shadow stood in front of me.

"I told you I would get you bitch, where is your man now?" he said, his words seething with venom, his body covered in his pregnant wife's blood.
If he could kill her then who was I? I knew my fate and at this point I accepted it with open arms, the sound of the gun filling the air and the world turning black.

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