chapter 1

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Mani pic above

Well my name is Mani. I am a senior in highschool, I have 2 little sibilings kalani who is 8 and zaza who is 11. My bestfriend kentrell a.k.a the famous rapper NBA youngboy is the best thing that happened to me. We've been bestfriends since elementary school. He's always protected me when I would get bullied until he dropped out in the 9th grade it hurted so much, I swear but he vowed to still protect me which he did.

Mani pov

"Mani come here right quick I need yo help on some stuff!" ken yelled from his room. I closed my eyes fake sleeping, until I heard heavy foot steps. My door opened signaling he was in the room, so I tried my best not to open my eyes.

"Mane, I know you not sleep quit playing" he said sitting on the side of the bed. I opened one eye up and seen he was staring directly at me, I hurried up and and closed it. Ken smacked me on the thigh making me squeal in laughter.

"Ight" I said cracking up laughing, he rolled on top of me making me let out a painful grouch."What you need help with?" I asked rolling my eyes , he simply gave me an innocent face and poked his bottom lip out.

" can you make me some food?" He asked batting his eyelashes, I rolled my eyes at him.

"Really ken?"I tried pushing him off of me but he wouldn't move.

"Yeah , I am hungry as hell and you know I can only cook ramen noodles so please cook me some food" he said giving me the cutest begging face, I rolled my eyes at him.

"Ughhh you lucky I love you" I said trying to push him off again bit he would not budge at all.

" Thanks mani" He said kissing me all over my face like a old lady

"Ewww stoppp ken" making my face with disgust ken laughed and looked at me smiling hard.

"Why? you know you like it" ken said continuing to kiss me all over my face.

" keep it up I ain't gonna cook" I said making a stern look, he instantly got off of me.

"Ok I'm sorry" ken said wiping his mouth, I laughed looking over at him finally able to get up.

"Ew you got spit all over my face now I have to go clean my face" I got up and was walking to the bathroom with ken hot on my tail.

"Shut up " he said leaning on the bathroom doorway, I shook my head at him.

I got out a towel and soap from the bathroom cabinet, I started to scrub my face where he had kissed which were mainly my cheeks and chin. I looked in the mirror thinking about how i was gonna tell ken I applied for spelman university and got accepted to go with a 4 year scholarship.

"What you thinking about?" Ken asked walking fully in the bathroom to observe more of me.

"Um , Nothing just thinking about what you wanna eat" I quickly lied, he smacked his lips giving me the 'I know you lying face'

"Why you lying mani? I know some shit been up with you ever since you came to live with me" ken said getting an attitude, I ignored his last statement not wanting to get into all of that.

"Damn ken! I've just had alot on my mind lately with school" I said giving partially the truth, folding his arms he looked at me not giving up.

"Ok well talk..... I am all ears" I shook my head, not really wanting to talk about it .

"There isn't nothing to talk about its just stressful since it's my last year I gotta put in more work that's it" I shrugged finally looking over at him, he showed an annoyed expression.

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