Chapter Two- How I feel

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After that, Dan and Phil were inseparable. Dan found Phil to be generally really nice to everyone, full of strange facts (Dan held firmly the belief that he kept them in his pockets) and a literal ball of sunshine. After he got over his initial shyness, Dan was sarcastic, snarky and a terrible friend in general, but Phil didn't seem to mind.

And when Dan inevitably started feeling like he was being clingy and creeping Phil out, Phil showed up at his door, bubbling over with excitement about some weird thing. Dan was both terrified and exhilarated because he'd never had a best friend before. He had always been that friend that you only talked to when your cooler friends weren't around and inevitably forgot about.

But Phil even said it once. Dan had been pushing him on the tire swing (Phil's ability to be a child without caring at all never ceased to amaze Dan) and Phil was swinging lazily at the moment while Dan took a break.

"You know, it's nice having a best friend. Usually I have loads of friends for some reason, but it's nice being around you. You're my favorite." Phil flashed him a smile of pure sunshine, and after taking a moment to simultaneously freak out and fangirl, Dan grinned back.

"Uh- you're my best friend too. Thanks, Phil. Now hold on." Dan laughed at his own awkwardness and stood up to continue pushing Phil.

After a couple of months of freedom, summer ended and it was time to start school. Dan was vaguely terrified but having Phil's bubbly optimism helped somewhat.

They walked to school together, along with Sam and her best friend, Ryan- who, being nonbinary, was often referred to as "He-she-them-DAMMIT"- and talking about the school.

"It's not bad, it's just a little conservative. They don't like us here." Phil chuckled.

"It's really small, but the education program's great and we have cool clubs." Ryan added. "But like he said, it's really straight-laced."

Pretty soon, they had to split up when they got to school. Luckily, he and Phil had first, fourth and last period together, so they both headed to art. As they expected, they were just expected to listen to some rules for the entire forty-five minutes. Five minutes in, they were seeing who could survive the longest in a staring contest while barking like dogs. Phil lost, and spied a sharpie on the table.

"Hey Dan, let me draw on your face."


"C'mon! Please?"

"That's a Sharpie, do you realize how long that'll take to get off?" Dan chuckled, shaking his head.

"Dan!" Phil whined, pouting.

"Fine, whatever. But I get to draw on you."

"Yay!" Phil grabbed his shoulder and Dan tried to hold still while figuring out whether to look at Phil or the ground. "I'm going to do cat whiskers. Don't draw anything on my face that'll get us expelled."

"So no phallic imagery is allowed?"

"No! There, now you're a cat." Dan grinned as he took the Sharpie.

"I'm just going to make you match me. Because I'm the least creative person on earth." Dan muttered while he whiskered Phil's face. "There."

Phil grinned, digging in his bag for his laptop and opening his webcam. He pressed 'Video' before Dan could stop him.

"I didn't consent to this. This isn't legal."

"But look, you're so cute!"

"Meow." Dan glanced at himself on the screen.

"This is going on my youtube if I can work it. Hey guys!"

"Hello internet. I'd like to inform you that this is is not okay. I'm famous you know, copyright."

"You are not. And look, when you draw whiskers they're kind of droopy and sad. Mine are happier, I think I win the whisker prize." Phil said thoughtfully. Dan chuckled.

"Is it wrong that I feel like that's an accurate representation of our personalities?"

Phil laughed and ended the video.

Dan got a couple of comments on his whiskers, and a few stares, but Phil had made him promise not to wash them off until school ended. He didn't mind much.

But as he was walking down the hall, some guy knocked hard into his shoulder.

"Faggot." He muttered, and Dan grimaced. Sometimes it made him mad that this twat and Phil Lester were even allowed to exist in the same universe- Phil was just too pure for this world.

Dan shook his head when he realized he'd passed his classroom, turning to meet Phil in fourth period.

"Hey Dan!" Phil called happily from a corner of the classroom. Knowing that where they sat on the first day could very well be their spot for the rest of the year, they'd planned it a week in advance- the middle area by the wall, not in the back with the suspicious-looking kids or in the front where everyone could see their tumblr while they were supposed to be taking notes.

Dan was a fairly decent student, B average, and he knew Phil did pretty well too, so as long as they didn't give the teacher any trouble she should leave them alone. They sat together, of course, and they'd agreed after art that instead of talking in class, they should throw away their dignity and pass notes like fourth-graders.

hey dan, Phil scribbled on a blank sheet of paper.

hi. your nose is smudging already, Dan wrote on his own.

I know :(

Dan noticed that he drew little lines fanning from the corners of his name on his paper.

why does your name have cat whiskers?

it doesn't! they're emphasis marks

they look like whiskers


They spent the class doodling and showing notes to each other, occasionally giggling or whispering something. Phil had a way of laughing with his tongue held between his teeth, and Dan thought it was the cutest thing ever.

Then Dan noticed the group of boys giving him dirty looks. He was leaning over his desk to read what Phil was writing, and his arm seemed to be permanently glued to the back of Phil's chair. He withdrew but shot the guys a glare. Phil caught him looking and scribbled a note.

whats wrong

nothing, just some guys giving us The Look haha

then dont do what they want



Dan thought on that one for awhile. He'd just instinctively drew away, and mentally kicked himself for letting the "no homo" voice in his head make things awkward.

sorry im just a wimp lol

you are not

Class ended, and after a moment of hesitation, Dan shrugged and slung an arm around Phil's shoulders. "I'll walk you to your next period."

Phil grinned. "Okay."

Later that day, Sam finally consented to coming with them on a walk, and Phil slipped a hand in Dan's on the way there. Dan blushed and Sam laughed outright, pulling out her phone and Dan wouldn't put it past her to be texting Ryan about it.

"I think she ships us." Dan muttered to Phil, grinning. Phil bumped into him playfully.

"I ship us."

A/N: All of the homo :P Yes I just posted chapter one, but this was done so here, double update yay. And wowza *cue teen mag dan* I have a plot laid out, that never happens.
Anyway hope you enjoyed, if you liked it, plz vote and give me validation (I'm doing this instead of health assignments) and thanks for reading!

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