Chapter 3- Before We Get Too Old

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A/N: Hi, look another update. :P (it's gay in here)

After school one day Phil came over to Dan's house- his parents weren't home for a few hours, and Phil's thought he was with Sam.

"So we have a couple of good films, some cool shows and a lot of Full House. I vote for High School Musical."

"Buffy The Vampire Slayer!" Phil said triumphantly, holding up a disk out of the box Dan had passed him.

"Oh lord. Fine then." Dan teased, taking the disk and popping it in. "I'll get the crisps."

When he came back the movie was starting. He expected that, sadly, unlike their bookstore visits, Phil wasn't going to lay in his lap. He was wrong, because as soon as he sat down Phil was curled against his side.

Dan chuckled and put an arm around him, resting his hand on Phil's leg.

"You do realise you're taller than me and spend 90% of your time in my lap?"

"It's your fault for having such a comfortable lap." Phil giggled, grabbing a handful of crisps. Dan did the same.

Halfway through, Phil moved around so that he was sitting properly on his lap, and Dan rested his head on Phil's shoulder. He liked Phil. And Phil was literally in his lap at the moment, which might give some indication of his feelings. But Dan was too awkward to do anything about it. He'd never even kissed anyone, never really wanted to much. But now he had an adorable boy in his lap, eating crisps and watching Buffy.

"So what're you thinking on, Dan?" Phil turned to ask. His eyes met Dan's, and his face was inches from his. He wasn't wearing his glasses (a sign that he'd been considering going to sleep) and his eyes were incredibly blue.

"Uh, n-nothing." Dan stammered, his eyes still locked on Phil's. Phil turned completely around in his lap, resting his arms on the back of the couch and looking at him. He smelled like a mixture of mint, deodorant and whatever fruity shampoo he used. Phil smiled and raised an eyebrow, which Dan understood to mean Well what the hell are you waiting for.

Not exactly sure what he was doing, Dan leaned forward enough to brush Phil's lips with his. "You know, I've never really kissed anybody before." Then his hands found their way to Phil's shoulders and he pulled him into a kiss, feeling Phil smile into it and doing the same.

The kiss was a little clumsy and breathy, full of giggling and whispered I have no idea what I'm doings. But it was really nice, and Dan pulled away immediately wanting to do it again.

"But like, no homo tho." Dan said, grinning and blushing, before kissing him again.

Phil giggled into his lips, his hands having ended up playing with Dan's hair. Dan pulled away and Phil turned so that he could sit in Dan's lap and finish the film.

"Well that happened." Phil said, leaning back into Dan and grinning up at him.

"Glad it did?" Dan smiled and covered Phil's hands with his own.

"Of course I am." Phil relaxed back into Dan, which was the best feeling ever, and they finished the film silently.

When Phil had to leave, Dan pulled him into a hug and kissed his nose, making him giggle. Then Phil left before Dan's parents got home.

Dan guessed he loved his mum and dad, but they wanted him to be someone he wasn't. His dad in a more loving way, but still. They expected him to be manly and like sports, and they ended up with this scrawny, cuddly sissy who'd rather watch anime.

His dad would take him out to play catch and he'd do horribly, so instead they'd watch Transformers but when it was Dan's turn to pick the film it was High School Musical 2 (although the first was better). Usually he didn't even realize his mistakes until he made them.

As for his mum, she was sick a lot. So Dan was usually left with all the chores and cleaning. And it seemed impossible to please her- she would point out every single thing he'd done wrong, and when there wasn't anything wrong all she'd say was "Well that's the closest thing to decent you've gotten, took you long enough." And she'd always made a point of telling him what he was supposed to be- A big strong boy, the man of the house while his father was at work, a football player with a cheerleader girlfriend. He wasn't supposed to be afraid of moths and spiders, be the biggest procrastinator on earth, and to be more than halfway gay.

So he came out to his dad first, back when he was 13.

"You're not very happy about it."

"No, I'm not. Dan, nobody wants their kid to be gay." He didn't even bother to correct him. "But I accept you because you're my son no matter what." Was this supposed to help?


"Just don't tell your mum, if you don't want war."


So he didn't.

The next day, Sunday, having cleaned the house the day before and straightening up that morning, Dan went to pick up Phil.

"Hey Dan." Phil blushed and grinned when he opened the door.

"Hi Phil." Dan smiled and cleared his throat when he noticed Phil's mum behind him.

"Oh! Mum, this is Dan I told you about. We're probably going to walk down to Barnes and Noble if that's okay?"

"Sure, but be back before lunch. Dan can come eat with us if he wants?" She smiled at him, and Dan grinned back awkwardly.

"I don't know, I'll see." Dan mumbled, and she nodded.

"Okay. Nice to meet you Dan!" She left, shutting the door. Phil grinned and grabbed Dan's hand, who followed him, blushing.

Phil held his hand the entire time, and Dan couldn't stop grinning and blushing. While Phil was reading, Dan kept getting distracted by looking at him. He had beautiful blue eyes, which were currently a deep ocean colour, and an adorable tilt to his mouth that Dan secretly loved.

Basically his entire face was pure porn, and Dan smiled and pulled him a little closer, because they hadn't said a word about it but he knew Phil was his.

And that made him happier than he could imagine.

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