Jeff x reader

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This story will be about Jeff's past then moving forward into the future

You and Jeff were best friends ever since you two were kids, here is how it happened,

"Y/n, hun do you want to go greet the new Neighbors next door" your mom said

"Yes mommy!" You grabbed some cookies in a tin that your mom made for the neighbors, your family was very friendly and was very social, you walked next door and rang the doorbell, waited a couple of seconds until the door opened

"Hi" the female that opened the door said
"Hi, I'm your next door neighbor my mommy made these for you family, it's nice to meet you!" You said pushing the cookies forward

"Oh thank you! It's nice to meet you I'm a/n (any name), what's your name" the woman said

"My name is y/n, l/n(last name)!" You said

"That's a pretty name" a/n said

"It's was very nice to meet you but u have to do my homework!" You said you where only 6 at the time so you had easy homework

"Okay make sure to do good in school!" The woman said while you ran back home, you got back home and your mom asked
"So how was it!"

"The woman was so nice mommy and she said my name was a pretty name!" You said hugging your mom and grabbing your back pack so you could do your homework at the dinning room table

"They sound very nice!" Your mom said

"Mommy will you help me with my homework please" you had very good manners for a 6 year old, it was just you and your mom, your dad was in the military so you only got to see him acationaly

"Yes dear!" Your mom replied your mom was very nice, after you were done with your homework it was dinner time your mom already had food cooking

"Mommy when will food be done!" You asked sitting next to the counter on a stool watching your mom

"Almost" your mom said

After dinner you went to bed and the next day
*Ding dong*
"I'll get it!!!" You yelled at your mom who was in a different room
You opened the door and there was a boy standing Infront of you who looked your age
"Hello!" You said
"Hi, my mommy said I should bring some of her muffins over for your family, to thank you for the cookies" the boy said
"Oh, thank you!" You said taking the muffins witch were in a tin

"Your welcome! My name is Jeff what's yours!" The boy said

"My name is y/n!" You said

"That's a pretty name!" Jeff said blushing

"Thank you!" You said blushing as well

"Well it was very nice to meeting you y/n!" Jeff said walking away

"It was nice to meet you to!" You said
You walked into the room your mom was in
"Who was at the door hunny" your mom asked
"The boy next door his name is Jeff and he brought us some muffins!" You said handing the tin of muffins to your mom
"Did you say thank you" your mom asked
"Yes mommy!" You said heading to your room to play with your toys

*Next day*
You woke up at the time you usually did
Your mom was crying

"Mommy, ar-are you o-okay" you were scared

"Oh, I'm fine!" Your mom said wiping the tears from her eyes

"Why are you sad" you asked

"Umm well, I, umm" you mom's eyes started to tear up again
"Your dad, umm" your mom started to cry harder than before, after your mom said that you were in complete shock you could feel warm tears falling down your face but you were to shocked to move, your mom hugged you and held you in her arms as if it was the last time she would get to hug you
*Ding dong*
The door bell rang and made you snap out of shock
"I'll get it" you said depressingly wiping the tears from your eyes you walked to the door and opened it

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