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Everything my heart touches breaks.
I try to change how I am,
I try to escape myself,
But you cannot escape your truth.

Everything my soul grasps suffocates.
I try to loosen it's grip,
I try to back away,
But you cannot escape your truth.

What is my truth?
My truth is that I will grow to be like my mother.
I do not want to hurt,
I will fight against it,
I will run,
But I cannot escape my truth.
I cannot escape my toxicity.
I cannot escape my curse.

So I will accept my truth,
now all that's left is a simple decision.
Do I die,
save those around me from the pain I will inflict,
save them from me tinting their souls?
Or do I live,
spreading the pain,
transforming into a monster,
destroying the hearts of others and my own?

I will accept my truth,
and vanquish it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2017 ⏰

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