chapter 9

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I've kind of started to envision Jasper looking like Park Chanyeol (picture) for some reason



I quietly tapped my foot, feeling my anxiety build. Saely was with Blade, he could protect her. I knew it was foolish to be this worried when she was with my very capable best friend, but I was constantly stressed about her.

"Jasper!" I jumped slightly, turning to look at Hayden. "You are not okay. I really don't care how  much you deny it. I know something's wrong." I stared at his lips, gently moving with each word. Since when was he this attractive? I really need to pull myself together before something bad happens (not that way you pervs). Hayden carefully guided me out of my seat and, after getting permission from the disengaged teacher, dragged me to the nearest bathroom. 

"Alright, tell me why you've been so unresponsive today. What's on your mind?" Hayden boosted himself up onto the counter adjacent to the sink with slight difficulty, due to his short stature.

"I'm fine, I swear." I muttered, still wrapped in my thoughts.

"Well you sure as hell don't seem so! You're unfocused, dazed, and keep staring at my lips!" Crap, he noticed. I had no clue what to do. I was itching to tell him, but how would I? I couldn't just outright say 'I think you're beautiful, will you go out with me?'. We were really close, and I couldn't lose him because I stupidly confessed. 

"God damn it Jasper! You're staring again. What, do you like me or something? What's wrong with you?" I froze. He'd unconsciously hit the nail on the head. I liked him, a scary amount. Hell, maybe I loved him.

"Wha- uh..." I stuttered out.

"It's okay, Jasper. I was just kidding." He smiled at me. Of course he was kidding. He was about as gay as Saely. I smiled back sadly. I knew that, so why did it hurt so much?

"We should get back." Hayden glanced to the door, hopping down from his perch on the counter. "The bell will ring soon, and I know how you hate being tardy." He enthusiastically grabbed my hand which sent addictive sparks up through my arm. I grinned for real this time and allowed him to drag me back to class like before.


"SAELY! Are you okay?" I turned around from my locker where I was sitting with Blade. I saw him speed walking up to us with a cute asian boy who looked exceedingly annoyed at him in tow.

"She's with me Jasper, of course she's okay." Blade grinned. It was weird seeing them interact like they were old friends.

"Why didn't you tell me you knew him?" I questioned. He'd talked to me about Blade so many times, it was quite a shock that I hadn't been able to tell they were friends.

"I don't know. Maybe because then you'd make me tell him to stop?" Jasper smirked. "Or the fact that he made me promise not to tell you, and I never break promises."

"It was more fun being a mysterious stranger. Made it easier to flirt with you." Blade's playboy nature was showing itself again. It was like he was bipolar. One minute he was comforting me and telling me I was safe, the next he was flirting and making tacky remarks.

"Who's this?" I queried in an attempt to change the subject, gesturing to the cute boy Jasper had brought with him.

"I'm Hayden." He smiled brightly, his eyes disappearing into crinkles. "You must be Saely, right? Jasper told me he had a sister." Ahh, he was that kid Jasper would often mutter about in his sleep. 

"Yeah, Jasper's talked about you." That caused Jasper to look confused, not remembering telling me about him. Hayden started blushing furiously while burying his head into Jasper's chest. Automatically, Jasper wrapped an arm around him, as if protecting him from my comments.

"Well, we'd better be going. I don't have practice today." Jasper announced awkwardly, staring in awe at the position I'd managed to get Hayden in.

"Yeah, I've gotta go too." Blade agreed as Hayden lifted his head and nodded bashfully before running off in the direction he came. Blade snickered and leaned over to whisper in my ear, "Those two idiots are so whipped." before sauntering off.

Once Blade left, I turned to Jasper. "He's cute. I approve."

"Yeah..." He scratched his neck. I snickered at him not even trying to deny the fact that he liked Hayden. "But Mom and Dad wouldn't. They'd hate me if they knew I liked boys." My smile dropped. Mom and Dad. I'd forgotten about them. A few days will do that.


Should I make a Jasper/Hayden centric book?

Hugs for all!


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