Chapter 19

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Sorry that the chapters are so short.

I got inspired by all the comments I've been receiving.



I slowly cracked my neck as I strolled toward the infirmary. I knew Blade and Hayden well enough to be sure they'd go to Jasper as soon as possible. Now would be as good a time as any to talk to Blade, so I tried to muster up some courage before reaching the opaque glass door with the word "Nurse" labeling it clearly.

Upon opening it, I felt rather pleased with myself at the sight of Hayden helping Jasper up, though he didn't really need it. Blade didn't seem to be there though, which was a tad surprising.

"Hayden, he's not made of glass, let Jasper go." I jumped slightly at the voice coming from behind me. I spun around to Blade, his stupid smirk blessing my eyes. "Hey babe."

"Hey." I glanced back at Jasper and Hayden, who had laid off of him. Jasper noticed how nervous I was and smiled a little.

"Blade, you coming over to ours today?" Jasper asked as I nestled myself into my boyfriend's chest.

"When do I not?" Blade laughed slightly, causing his chest to reverberate.

"What about you, Hayden?" The boy in question looked up

"I can't." He looked apologetic. "My parents finally got the day off, so we're gonna spent tonight together." Hayden gave an adorable grin. I didn't know much about Hayden's family, but they must be pretty nice to raise a kid like that.

Jasper nodded as he slung his backpack and Hayden's over his shoulder. "Then how about I take you there? Blade, can you take Sae home? You're going there anyway." Blade nodded and grabbed my hand, pulling me to his car.

I took a deep breath and sat up. Blade and I were cuddled up on my couch and I finally built up the courage to talk to Blade. I was his girlfriend, so I deserve answers.

Blade looked up quizzically."What's wrong?"

I bit my lip. I really didn't want to make him upset. "You have to promise not to get mad at me, okay?" He nodded, worried. "Jasper told me something after you went to class during lunch, and I need to get answers. I know you aren't honest with me," Blade began to protest. ", it's okay, I'm not mad at you. I'm worried. I love you, Blade! It hurts a damn lot that you don't trust me."

Blade slowly took me by the shoulders, looked me in the eyes, and uttered in a scarily deep voice, "What did he tell you?"

I flinched a little. "H-he told m-me about your past."

Blade froze. "H-he what?" His voice faded to a whisper and hands slipped down to rest in my lap.

"Blade, angel, please listen to me." I felt weird acting dominant and caring, but it felt right."I just want to help you. But I can't do that if you don't tell me what happened." He nodded and sniffed slightly. I was shocked, but happy. Blade was so interested in his badass image that he never, I repeat NEVER cried if he could help it. It was nice to see he was letting me in.

"I was dating this girl named Camilla. She was always so nice to me and I thought she was the one. I didn't see all the things she was really doing to me. She tried to convince me that I wasn't bi, made me push away my friends, and just be an all around asshole. I didn't care though because I loved her." His breath hitched slightly "I've never really wanted to... you know, until marriage. It may seem weird, but that's just how I am. Camilla didn't know though, and if she did, our relationship wouldn't have even happened." It was amazing how he could hold up this facade while this obviously was still a big part of him. "She finally asked, or more commanded that we do it, but when I said no, she..." Blade crumpled up into a ball sobbing. I pulled him into myself.

"Shh, it'll be okay. I've got you." I reassured, rubbing his back. "I'll never do anything like that to you, okay?" Blade nodded, cuddling into me. This was amazing, everything I'd wanted. He was showing me the real him, the broken side that needed love more than anything. I'd only seen him this way once, that time when I ran into him almost crying.

"Love you, Sae." Blade muttered, half asleep already.

"Love you too, Blade." I kissed his cheek and relaxed, falling asleep as well.


thank you all for the love and support.

btw, if my Sugakookie book goes well, i may do other ships in the same universe, like a series, but that is still tbd.



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