Chapter 26

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This is really rushed and I'm sorry, but here you go. I feel like the ending will be really bad, so please read my other books (bc they are a whole lot more planned out) and don't judge my writing on this book. Thank you and enjoy!



I honestly didn't realize I was crying until Jasper pulled me away from his chest, a concerned expression splayed across his features.

"What's wrong baby?" I felt his soft hands wiping away the tears littering my cheeks. I shook my head lightly.

"I'm fine, I'm fine." I hated that I didn't sound even the slightest bit convincing.

"Hayden..." Jasper warned. "Tell me what's up. I can't help you if you refuse to tell me your problems." He sighed, looking down. "All I want to do is help you."

The dejected state he was in ripped me in pieces, so I swiftly pulled him into a kiss. Pulling away, I smiled weakly at him.

"I'm sorry. I guess I just don't want to think about it." I gulped a little. It was horrible to say the least, having a strange man who wanted to get in my pants a few moments earlier beating the life from you. Before I knew it, I was crying again.

"Oh Hayden..." Jasper pulled me into his arms once again. "Please tell me what's going on." I nodded reluctantly into his shoulder and pulled away, but keeping our hands clasped together.

"I-I-I th-thought I was going to die." I choked out between tears. "I swore that man was going to kill me. He wanted t-to..." Drifting off, I glanced away from Jasper. I suddenly felt disgusting, dirty. Even though I knew nothing happened, the thought that that man could have used me for anything he damn well pleased once I was broken enough loomed over my thoughts, making me want to take a million showers to try and wash away the memories.

Jasper reached out with his free hand to rub my thigh soothingly. "It's okay now. Everything's okay now. I'm here, you're safe. Nothing will hurt you here." I believed him so much. I truly believed every word coming from his mouth. Gradually I calmed down enough to continue.

"That man wanted to do things to me, a-and I can't h-help but think of what would have h-happened if you didn't s-show up." I muttered out, staring at my knees.

Jasper was silent for a few moments. If he hadn't been holding my hand like his life depended on it, I would have been convinced he was about to break up with me.

"Oh god." Jasper breathed out, his voice barely audible. "I'm so sorry. I'm never going to leave you alone again, okay?" I looked up at him, giggling. "I'm serious! You'll be fine with me here and I'm pretty sure your parents would be okay with it."

I smiled a full smile finally. "If they're alright with it, I'd love to stay with you." Jasper's face turned into a goofy, lopsided grin.

"Well princess, we'll call them later. For now, I really want to take a nap and I demand you join me." Laughing, I stood up with him, heading upstairs, yet I didn't fail to notice how he locked all the doors before joining me. I knew it was a necessary precaution, but it really drove home how serious this situation was. Pushing that thought to the back of my mind, I allowed him to lead me to his room, which was extremely organized, yet still somehow managed to be messy. It was a perfect reflection of my boyfriend. Discarding of our jeans, we both snuggled under the covers, Jasper being the big spoon. With his protective arms around me, it easy to slip into the grips of unconsciousness.

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