Chapter 2

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January 16, 2017

        Okay diary,

You may be wondering why I am such good friends with Kai. Let me just say something: I do not like him! (I changed the last chapter so please reread if you are confused) Well, there is a lot more to him than everyone knows, even me. Like what? He isn't just a pretty face and a perfect life. He's had some troubles to. They aren't really my secrets to tell though, so the most I can tell you is he and his siblings are horribly close. After his brother, my bro's best friend named Caden, joined the Army he and his sister, Jayden, weren't themselves for a while.

Anyways, another reason I trust Kai so much is how close we are. We have loads of traditions and he knows everything, wait no, mostly everything about me. He cares about everyone but also has his quirky flaws. For example, he talks to much. Like duuuude, slow down. And also, with the amount he talks you never know what his feelings are. But with these are cute little habits that he doesn't realise I notice.

One of these habits is whenever he gets nervous about something he bites his lower lip and crosses his legs. He barely ever gets nervous though. Really the only times I've seen him do this are 1) the first time he sang for me, 2) when ever we are underground, and 3) when he is about to ask someone out. The last one I know because he would always, obliviously, ask me for advice. This was horrible for two main reasons. 1) I have no idea what girls like, so they would end up giving him weird looks but saying yes anyways. 2) I would always get ignored MORE than normal in school. Anyways, until next time.

                       Boredom is taking over my life,

                                 Moon A. Jackson

My pen slows again and I smile at the small red book that holds my favorite and worst memories. My phone buzzes a familiar tune, causing my hand to shoot for it.

"Do you wanna spend the day in town with me? We have a day off because it's MLK day and it seems like it would be fun to hang out downtown. We could go to one of those book stores you seem to like an-" I cut him off with a laugh.

"I would love to spend the day with you," I smile and the picture of me and him on my birthday last year.

"Okay, pick you up in an hour and yeah so-" I cut him off again with a goodbye and hang up. I wasn't being mean though, he does that all the time and if you don't stop him he will go for hours. I can't help but smile and rush to get ready. I run to my closet and run a hand over my hanger. One of my dresses catches my eye so I grab it and rush to change. The dress is knee length and would be one of the ones that was a part of my 'vintage' lifestyle video. It is a light pink and has a pattern of big black and white flowers scattered randomly. I brush out my hair and grab the big glasses I only wear around Kai. At school and around Oliver I wear contacts. I am just strapping black heels on when Kai appears in the door.

"You know I could have been changing," I raise my eyebrow at him. His feet start to shuffle and he looks down. "Wha-" I get cut off by the two puppies running into my room and tackling me. "Yeah, yeah. We're taking you two too. I mean we've never left you behind before have we?" I scratch Jace's ear. I think back to when we got the two dogs and smile. I had still been crying from Hilly's, my old dog, death. Kai had dragged me to the nearest pet store and told me to pick one. I had seen Owen and Jace snuggling in the back, away from the other really hyper dogs. When we had asked to pet them the dogs immediately latched on to us emotionally, and when we tried to go sign the papers they thought we were leaving them and the were howling and crying out until we finally got them. Then we had then gotten the collars. Mine being Kai's favorite color, blue, and his mine, white.

On our way out we grab the leashes and put the dogs in the back before climbing into the front seats. Normally  I would be scared about places not allowing dogs, but the shop owners know that there is no convincing us and they would be losing customers.

"So," I turn to smile at him, "what are we doing?"

"We are going to go to lunch and then go kart racing and then we can sneak in to the set up of the carnival," he smiles back and logic starts to kind of sneak in to my thoughts.

"Wait," I stop him, "go karting with two dogs?" I look at him like he's crazy.

"We're watching the race, not racing." He states matter-o-factly.

"Why would we do that?"

"Because their not go karts."

"Then what are they?"

He turns and gives me a wicked smile. "Street racers."

"What ever happened to book stores?" I squeak, shrinking in my seat. The are many things I don't like: the dark, snakes, spiders, bad movie adaptions, but there are two cherries on the cake. The worst one, heights, and then illegal, fast, loud, deadly vehicles within 5 yards of you.

He pleads me with his eyes. "For me?" He asks hopefully. A cute dent form on his forehe- wait what did I just think?

"Fine." I grumble.

"Thank you!" He cheers as he jumps out of the car, runs around to my side, and pulls me up to a standing position. My face ends up inches from his and our eyes are locked. I feel like I'm about to have a major idea, but I lose my balance and fall back in the car first, hitting my head on the door frame.

"Dude," I groan at the three different Kais.

"Oh my god! Moon are you okay? Do we need to go home? To the hospital? Do you need ice? D-" I cut him off with my finger to his soft lips.

"I'm fine," I smile because I am down to only two Kais. "Just give me a minute." I lean forward onto his chest and groan loudly in to his shirt. I lean back and smile at the one and only Kai. "Now I'm good." He helps me up and we grab the dog leashes before walking inside the really loud arena area. Kai takes my hand and leads us up to a place that was a few feet away from where the cars were.

"Uhm, excuse me?" We look to see a tall skinny man. Gray Lee Jackson. "Moon, what are you doing here?" He said giving me a confused look. I look at Kai.

"Why are you here?" I ask him. He looks at me with a blank face. "Don't ask stupid questions Moon." He says.

"Well then you can't ask questions." I smile at him. He crosses his tattooed arms and walks away. Kai and I laugh, he looks at me with a smile for a moment while I stood with a stupid blank face, he notices my expression and laughs then turns to face the cars while the awkward silence was strong between us.

_-time skip brought to you by my lack of creativity-_

We get in the car after the race to sneak into the carnival in making. When we pull into a parking space we grab the dogs and walk to the back of the area where they were going to be having the carnival Kai and I attend every single year. It was pretty much empty except for a few workers who looked worn out and wanted to go home. We walk into the closed off space.

"Hey what are you doing in here!" One of the workers yell as we wander. We laugh and start darting for the place we entered, dragging our dogs behind us. We turn to see Kai's car. We both pant once we reach the car. Kai sighs and looks at me. "That was exhausting." He says losing breath mid-sentence.

"Try doing it in heels and a dress!" I say loudly. We both laugh. He walk towards the back door putting both of our dogs into the seats. He opens the passenger door for me and as I get in I accidentally brush his hand softly making him glance up at me then slowly closing the door.

P.S Correction I might like my best friend
                                                I'm dead,
                                         Moon A. Jackson

(A/N) No comment my dudes -Ireland

Wassup? I don't know. Have a nice life peoples!


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