Epic Burn

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"Next! Party of six!" said the lady at the front desk. "Sophie Foster... the Telepath. Let me see, teal's your favorite color, you prefer to be called by your last name, your first crush was Fitz Vacker, and you're in a relationship with Keefe Sencen. Biana Vacker-- you like blondes. A lot."

She gave a pointed look to Keefe, who blushed a deep red.

"Tam Song," she continued. "Shade. You were sent to Exillium, and you want someone who won't be discriminatory to twins, people who were exiled, bad match, blah blah blah. And your sister... or should I say... your twin, Linh Song-- you flooded Atlantis. Obviously you're going to need someone who can deal with your emotional... outbursts..."

"Nobody talks to my sister that w--" Tam started to snap.

"It's fine," Linh said. "I'm used to this."

"It's not fine--" Tam started, but the prejudiced matchmaker had already moved on to someone else.

"Keefe Sencen. Your father is a friend of mine. We've made sure to pair you with the most noble young women. Although someone rather... unworthy... has already caught your heart. You like brown eyes, you want someone loyal, someone who isn't shaded by all of your idiotic flirting, and you're unconditionally in love with Sophie Foster," the woman revealed.

"What?" Biana asked excitedly, although she soon sobered down. "Sophie, that's grea-- oh. Oh. I'm... excited for you. That's... wow. Just wow."

"No kidding," Fitz muttered. Sophie hoped that Fitz wasn't bitter over what the matchmaker had said. It was becoming increasingly clear that Fitz wasn't as over Sophie as he said he was. Sophie hoped that he wouldn't start to turn into the person he was when Alden's mind broke.

"And Fitz Vacker. The last time I saw you, you came here to update your information packet from in a relationship to single. Apparently Miss Foster is not as infatuated with you as you are with her," the woman said haughtily.

"You imbecile--" Fitz started to shout. Heads shot up around the lobby, and Sophie tugged out an eyelash.

"Oh, I'm sure that's how Sophie feels about you," the woman smirked.

"Stop!" Biana said. "You have been nothing but snotty, rude, and infuriating since we have walked in. You have absolutely no reason to be rude to us like this. I don't know if it's because of Linh's flood, or because of how controversial Sophie used to be, but either way, you have absolutely no right to be rude to us. Linh's flood was an accident, and Sophie saved our world! You may think you're better than everybody else just because you get to choose an enormous part of our lives, but you aren't. No matter what talent we are, no matter who we want to spend our lives with, and no matter if we even want a matchmaker's scroll, we deserve to be treated with respect and kindness. If I get a job here, I'm going to make sure that I change the way people act here. We deserve to be respected. And no matter who comes in, they deserve to be respected, too. So cut out that 'I'm better than you' attitude. It doesn't suit you."

"I-I..." the rude woman stuttered, at a loss for words. "Ugh. Here's your scrolls. Get out."

Biana snatched her scroll and turned around, whipping her hair haughtily. Her high heels clicked as she walked straight out the door without another word.

Epic burn.

A/N It looked so much longer on Google Docs... *groans*

Well, at least it's a double update! There may be more updates today because I'm sick and there's no school.

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