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A/N Happy Valentines Day! Here's some Sokeefe for 'yall:

"Hey," Keefe said as Sophie opened the door to her house. He stepped inside, taking her hand after seeing her worried face. "What's wrong? Your emotions are all spiky. Is everything okay?"

Sophie led Keefe to the living room, flopping down on a couch. "No, not really."

Keefe's face softened. "What's wrong?"

"I--" Sophie stuttered. She sighed, giving Keefe the same explanation that she had given Edaline.

"What?" Keefe said worriedly when Sophie was done. "Biana did that?"

Sophie sighed. "Yeah. I just don't get it."

"Neither do I," Keefe said. "She must really like me. Not as much as you do, though."

"Hey-- I do not!" Sophie said stubbornly.

"You don't?" Keefe asked, his eyebrows shooting to the ceiling.

"Just kidding, I do," Sophie joked, rolling her eyes. "Someone's protective."

"Whatever," said Keefe embarrassedly, his ears bright red.

Sophie reached out and flicked his nose. "You embarrassed?"

"Stop it!" Keefe whined. "I'm the jokester, remember?"
"Dude, you try to flirt and he gets all upset," Sophie grumbled. "What am I supposed to do, ignore your existence?"

"Please don't," Keefe said, putting a hand around her waist. "And keep flirting. I like your new side."

"New side?" Sophie asked, raising her eyebrow as she turned to face Keefe.

"You ignored me for like, three years before noticing me," Keefe said. "You returning my feelings is kind of a new development."

"Well, it's good that I started to," Sophie said, leaning into him. His head on top of hers was warm, and a flitting, fluttering thing went through her stomach. It felt good.

Keefe chuckled, kissing her temple. Keefe turned to face her, and Sophie scooted closer. "You know, we haven't actually kissed yet. Just cheek and nose stuff."

"If that was your 'hint' for me to kiss you for real, it was super obvious," Keefe said, leaning in towards her.

"I dunno," Sophie said, blushing wildly. Keefe's other hand trailed to her back, and he leaned closer. She mustered up all her courage, and said, "Maybe it was."

Their noses were almost touching at this point, and Sophie could feel his warm breath on her cheeks. Her heart fluttered, and Keefe smirked at her. "Overwhelmed, Foster?"

"No," Sophie tried to scoff, but the truth was she was, just a little. It certainly wasn't her first time getting close to kissing anyone, but Keefe was different. It was the first time she had really felt something for someone besides Fitz, and to be almost kissing that someone... of course it made her nervous.

"It's fine," Keefe said surprisingly softly. "I remember my first kiss was super scary."

Sophie raised an eyebrow. "This is not my first kiss. And we haven't even kissed, anyways."

"I meant first kiss with someone you really liked," Keefe said. "And we should probably change that."

Keefe leaned in, bridging the gap between them. Her lips brushed his, and she slowly pulled away. "Whoa."

"No kidding," Keefe said, a grin slowly growing on his face. "I just did that. I kissed Sophie Foster. I freaking kissed Sophie Foster. YES!"

He pumped his fist, a glorious smile on his face. Sophie rolled her eyes. No matter how cool Keefe acted, he was secretly a total dork. "Someone's excited."

His sky blue eyes shimmered. Sophie had never thought of blue eyes as warm, but somehow Keefe's eyes managed to be. Sophie smiled.

Keefe was really cute when he was happy.

"I can't believe I did that!" Keefe said.

"I can," Sophie snorted. "Took you long enough."

"Never thought you'd be the one who ended up saying that," Keefe said. "Anyways... err... you wanna kiss again?"

"Real smooth," Sophie smirked.

"Sorry," he blushed, looking sheepishly at his feet. He stood up. "I'm... not usually like this. I can go now."

"Oh, no, that was a yes," Sophie said, leaning toward him before you could say Team Foster-Keefe.

Their lips crashed together, and this time neither of them pulled away. Sophie pulled Keefe closer, wrapping her arms around his neck. His hands rubbed her back softly, tracing gentle patterns. She ran one hand through his hair, unintentionally messing it up.

After a while, Keefe pulled away. "This is so weird. I can't believe I'm freaking kissing you."

Sophie chuckled. "The only thing that's weird about this is you."

"Hey!" Keefe said. Sophie rolled her eyes, kissing him on the nose.

"I just had the scariest thought," Keefe said after a long silence. "What if Grady catches us?"

Sophie laughed breathily. "He would kill you."

"It's worth it."

Sophie smiled, sinking back into his lips. Somewhere along the way Keefe's hand ended on her cheek, caressing her with his thumb. His other hand was against the small of her back, pulling her closer.

Sophie had never felt better.

"I don't deserve you here," Keefe said, pulling away. "You're amazing."

Sophie frowned. "Yes, you do. You deserve every good thing that's ever come your way. And I hope I can be a good thing, too."

"Dude, you already are," Keefe said, smiling happily.

"Why are you calling me dude?" Sophie asked.

Keefe smirked. "I dunno, dude."

Sophie rolled her eyes. "Stop it!"

"Hey, dude, what's up, dude? You're the best dude, aren't you, dude. Dude," Keefe rambled, a big grin on his face.

"You are the biggest idiot I've ever met," Sophie said, punching Keefe's arm. "Dude."

The Best Match (unfinished sorry :/)Where stories live. Discover now