Missed Chances // Louis Tomlinson

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Louis Tomlinson was on his way to an audition that could have, and would have, changed his life for the better. The only problem was that he missed the audition.

As everything normally went in Louis' life, when he needed something more than he had ever needed it before, it broke. So this was nothing unusual.

This was the day that would soon become the bane of his existence.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Tomlinson, the auditions have closed. You can always try again next year," those were the words that the doe eyed receptionist had spoken to him. The words that had started to haunt his dreams.

As Louis worked his way through the last year of college like any normal nineteen year old did, One Direction had taken the world by storm. Just less than one year into their new lifestyle and the five boys had already taken over the music industry.

With Liam Payne, Harry Styles, Niall Horan and Isaac Knights floating around the world in a bubble of teenage admiration, it was no surprise that they rose to the top quickly.

Except things were changing, there was trouble within the group. Isaac, who was not known for his friendliness when out of the spotlight had let his true colours show in front of everyone. This left him with two options: quit from the band or be fired.

Now auditions were being held for Isaac's spot, and Louis is more determined than ever to make the audition, but this wasn't like any audition that he would ever take part in, after all, it was being held by One Direction.


All idea credit goes to @xbeautyrisesx

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