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(3rd Person POV)

Two agents walked with Mariela in the tower to the party, while the other agents stayed outside in the car.

Mariela looked around the party. She played with her fingers nervously.

"Just act normal," an agent told her. "We'll tell you when it's time. My partner and I will be around here."

She nodded slightly and the agents walked off. She walked around until she found an empty table. She sat on the chair and looked down, deep in thought.

(Mariela's POV)

I was deep in thought that I didn't notice a man with curly brown hair walks up to me.

"Hey," he said, smiling at me warmly.

"Oh, um... h- hi," I said a bit nervous.

"Do- do you mind if I sit here?" he asked. "All of the other tables are full."

"Um, sure, yeah you can sit here," I replied.

"Thank you," the man said, smiling and he sat on the chair across from me.

I nodded slightly.

He cleared his throat awkwardly (which I thought was cute) and said, "So um... you're not really a party person right?"

I shook my head. "No."

He smiled. "Me neither. I'm Bruce by the way. Bruce Banner."

I smiled. "I'm Mariela, Mariela Rogers."

"It's nice to meet you, Mariela," he said, sticking out his hand which I shook.

"Woo! Get some Brucie!" exclaimed a brown haired man who looked to be very drunk.

Bruce blushed. "Shut up, Tony."

The man Bruce had called Tony grinned and walked over to our table.

"Hey hot stuff," Tony said grinning at me. "I'm Tony Stark aka the Genius, Billionaire, *burp* Philanthropist. *burp* Oh and playboy too! Can't forget *burp* playboy!"

Bruce sighed, doing a facepalm. "Tony," he said. "You're drunk."

"I am? Oh, wait... yeah... I think I am... HAHA!" Tony laughed.

Bruce sighed and looked apologetically at me. "I'm sorry he always gets this drunk at parties."

"Ya, I do... not!" Tony exclaimed then laughed again.

"Let's go, Tony," Bruce said standing. "I'm going to take him to his room." He gave me one last smile before leaving with Tony.

I sat by myself again. A few minutes later, the two HYDRA agents came up to me.

"It's time," one of them said.

I nod slightly and stand, following them. They led me to the bathroom where some more agents were waiting for us.

"You remember the plan?" an agent asked looking at me.

I nod. "Yes, I remember the plan."

"If you do anything stupid you will be punished," said another agent.

I nod again, biting my lip.

The agents give each other one last nod before leading me back to the party.


(3rd Person POV)

"Who was that girl you were talking to Banner?" Natasha asked Bruce with a smirk once he came back from putting Tony to bed.

"Yeah you two seemed to be getting along very well," Steve said smirking.

Bruce blushed. "We barely even know each other."

Natasha smirked. "You two were talking sooo... did you ask her, her name? Phone number? Address? I could get you two hooked up."

"Whoa, whoa! Calm down Nat," Steve said laughing. "As Bruce said, they've barely met."

Bruce smiled. "I did get her name," he said. "She said it was... Mariela."

Steve almost choked on his drink.

Natasha frowned. "You okay Steve?"

Steve looked at Bruce who was also frowning at the super soldier's action. "Did you say... Mariela?"

Bruce nodded. "Yeah... Th- that's what she told me. Why do you ask?"

"B- because... my sister's name was Mariela," Steve said as he looked over at the people in the party.

"You had a sister?" Natasha asked a bit surprised. "You never told us."

"I always kept it a secret because-"

"Hi, guys," Ashlynn (Ash-Rogers) said smiling as she walked up to the three of them, interrupting Steve. "Why those faces?"

"Steve thinks his sister is here at the party," Bruce answered.

Ash dropped her drink staring at Bruce, trying to sink in what he had just said. She turned to look at Steve. "B- but... how? Mariela? Here? Th- that can't be possible."

"I know it sounds insane Ash but... maybe she's still alive," Steve said sounding hopeful.

"How did all of this even start?" Ash asked.

"Bruce met a girl and the girl's name is Mariela," Natasha explained. "And Steve thinks it's his sister, Mariela."

Ash bit her lip looking at Steve. "Stevie... I know you miss Mari and I miss her too but... she might not be alive. Remember? She was really sick and the doctors said she could die at an early age," Ash said. "And... even if she did survive, she's probably very old."

Steve sighed looking down before looking back up. "I guess you're right Ash," he muttered quietly.

"Stevie..." Ash put her hand on his arm gently.

"I'm going outside for some fresh air, it's getting stuffy in here," Steve said before walking out to the balcony.

Ash nodded slightly and watched him go.


The agents stood at every corner of the room where the party was taking place. Meanwhile, two agents led Mariela to the lab.

"What we need is in here," one of the agents said. "Go in. Behind those shelves, there's a hidden button that will lead you to a hidden room. Type in the password in the keyboard that is in that hidden room. After that get the small black box and get come back to us."

Mariela nodded slightly and went inside the lab.

(Mariela's POV)

I walked inside the lab and did as the agent ordered me to do.

Behind the shelves, was a button. I pressed it and the wall behind me opened. I walked inside and saw the keypad the agent had mentioned. I typed in the password and a square hole opened on the wall in front of me revealing a small black box. I took the box and opened it. Inside were five clear pouches filled with greenish-blue liquid.

I sighed closing the box. I walked out of the room and the door closed. I was about to walk out of the lab but stopped when I saw the agents fighting a man. I quickly hid behind a desk that was nearby.

"Who's there?!" asked the man who had been fighting the agents.

I stayed still and quiet not daring to say a word.

I heard footsteps walking into the lab. They got closer and closer to where I was hiding until... 



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