Tom wanted to stop for ice cream and, as dangerous as it was for me to do, I agreed. Then two other boys walked up to the stand. One with bushy eyebrows, stepped up and ordered two cones for him and the other boy. Tom walked to the other boy, and started to talk to him.[Tom]
I was being a little curious about those two boys who walked up to the ice cream stand. I walked over to the one who was standing behind the taller one. "Hi! I'm Tom and this is my friend Tord! Who are you?" I ask. "Oh! I'm Patryk and this is my (A/n: boy) friend, Paul." Patryk says. Paul grunts and gets the ice cream he ordered. "Here's your dumb ice cream dumhuvud." Paul says, the last sentence in Swedish. "That's not a nice thing to say about your friend." I say. He looks at me, suprised that I knew what he said but looks away. "Whatever, Patryk hurry up so we can get to the station." "I just got it chill, Mr. Badwords."[Paul]
That kid, he understands Swedish...but my sources are saying he's British. I scan him once more.-
Name: Thomas 'Tom' Hargreaves Rigdewell
Age: 6
D.O.B: 1987/17/2 (A/n: I obviously made that up)
Bio: He's brothers with Matthew 'Matt' Hargreaves Ridgewell. He gets over excited about certain things. He is a healer. He HATES puns.
Status: has his mind set on joining the Red Army.
Nationality: British
Born: London.
Nope...nothing about him knowing other languages. Maybe I'm just not strong enough to gather all the details. He's joining the Red Army? I guess I could use this to my advantage.[Patryk]
I watched Paul shake Tom's hand. Woah...he's being nice? He's up to something. Either way, once we were done with the ice cream I told Paul I was ready to go. "Alright then, to the Army station." Paul says. Ohhh, THAT'S what he's trying to do. "Wait, you guys are going to join the Army too?" Tom asks. "Yeah." I say. "So are we! I guess we can All go together!" Tom says. I hear Tord whisper, "oh dritt." Jeez he must not want to be around other people. Oh well. "That would be a good idea."[3rd Person]
The 4 kids walk down the street making their way to the registration station.
Word count : 406

The Red Army
FanfictionRed Team Story Tord was a small child, when he joined the Red Army. His parents, Paulter and Patriot, were killed when Tord was only 7 by the Blue Navy. So he decided to join the Red Army to avenge their deaths. Tom who, at the age of 6, wanted to j...