Lionheart (The Hobbit Fan-Fiction)

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So here it goes! This is based off of the movies. I don't own anything except for my own characters, as well as Ibilissa. Sorry if this is a little long. But the first couple of chapters have to be, or I won't get anywhere. I've been wanting to make this for a while so... I hope you like it :)

The curious hobbit looked on as the mysterious woman dismounted her horse. The horse was huge compared to him. It had beautiful black fur and was dappled with unusual white speckles. The woman's cowl was up and all the hobbit could see of her features was the long black waves that cascaded around her shoulders. She walked over to the hobbit that worked in the stables at the Inn that they were currently in. She towered over the young hobbit, who shrunk back slightly in fear. He could see a kind smile on the woman's face, under the dark blue hood and the small fellow relaxed slightly.

"Could you take good care of Polaris for me while I'm gone? We have had quite the long journey." she said. The woman was somewhat shorter than an elf or a human, and she was considerably taller than the hobbit she was talking to. He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.

"Will you not be staying here the night, my lady?" the small hobbit squeaked. Again the woman smiled and bent down so that she was almost level with the intimidated hobbit.

"No, my dear hobbit. I have made other arrangements. Though, I would appreciate it if you could tend to my horse until I return for her tomorrow morning."

Her voice was calm and smooth, and the hobbit was almost at ease. That changed instantly, once he saw the great sword that was fastened to the strange woman's belt. Slung around her shoulder was a quiver full of arrows and a bow. The hobbit's eyes widened and he nodded hastily, not wanting to anger the dangerous woman in any way. She frowned slightly at the hobbit's reaction. She didn't like to scare innocent people like the hobbit before her. Though, now that she was in the Shire, it would be all too easy to frighten its peaceful inhabitants. Sighing, she handed the hobbit his money, twice what anyone would usually pay, as her steed was so much larger than the small fellow would usually deal with. The hobbit's eyes widened in surprise at the weight of the small leather pouch in his hand.

"Why thank you miss! I will indeed take excellent care of urr... Polaris, is it?" the hobbit said excitedly. He was already thinking of how many ways that he could spend the extra money. Perhaps on a fine cake from the Baker's shop down the street. The woman's laughter snapped him out of his thoughts.

"It is my pleasure. Polaris be good. We don't need a repeat of what happened in Bree, do we?"

Her intelligent horse snorted in reply. It was if she were saying 'I cannot make any promises.'

The woman chuckled at the sight of the young hobbit's terrified face as she walked out of the Inn. Her black leather boots made little noise as she walked down the dirt road and began her search. The sun was beginning to set bellow the green hills of the Shire as the woman walked. It was truly a beautiful country, but the woman would not be staying long. She was thoroughly spent from the day's hard riding. On top of that, her jaw ached from her unpleasant encounter earlier that day. The woman would not have much time to rest, if she knew the company that she was seeking out. The dwarves were quite the rowdy bunch. She almost pitied the poor fool who had decided to host them. The young woman smiled at the thought of her good friends. She hadn't seen them in quite a while. Now if only she could find the blasted place that they were to stay in. At last she saw the blue rune glowing on the rich green door of a hobbit hole. She smiled and walked through the gate to meet her friends.

At that moment, Bilbo Baggins was certainly pitying himself. His house was infested with the blasted dwarves, whom he still had no idea why they were there. He looked up at Gandalf the Grey, who was bent forward, as not to hit his head off of the low ceiling. He began to count the dwarves that were rushing past, raiding Bilbo's precious pantry.

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