#10 I Miss You- Yoongi

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You missed Yoongi. A lot. He'd been gone on tour, cooped up in his studio, and going to awards shows or interviews or this or that. He texted when he could and called you every chance he got, but you missed just sitting silently with him, either letting yourselves lightly brush up against one another or full-out cuddling while you watched a movie on the couch or stared at the ceiling above your bed.
Do you wanna come over later, to my house?
Watch American beauty in the dark.
He normally didn't text you back immediately, so you didn't expect much when you texted him to ask, "Do you wanna come over later? I found this movie I wanted to watch, and I figured we could watch it together if you were free?"
You were about to set your phone down, only to have it vibrate in your hand just before you could. A text from Yoongi greeted you, reading, "That sounds PERFECT. I can be there by like 9 if that's okay?"
You knew he'd tease you for sounding desperate later, but you didn't care as you rushed to respond. "Yes that's perfectly okay ^-^"
And I'll hold your hand till the very end, the very end.
And we'll stay awake till tomorrow starts.
Yoongi wasn't always the most punctual person, which was why you thought someone was breaking in when the door opened at 9:01; you'd expected him to get there at around 10 or 11. You approached the front door, eyes wide with surprise when you saw Yoongi shedding his shoes and shifting the weight of his bag from one hand to the other.
You rushed to greet him, taking his bag from him and tossing it to the floor.
"Hey, my lapt-oof!" He cut himself off with a grunt as you pulled him into a tight hug, eventually chuckling away his irritation and wrapping his arms around you just as tightly.
"I missed you," you murmured into his neck.
Yoongi sighed, "I missed you, too." And then, because it was all getting too mushy and cheesy for him, he added, "Pabo."
You playfully shoved him, only to grow worried when he grimaced, but he quickly brushed you off. "It's fine, just sore from practice. So, what are we watching?"
There was no way you were going to get him to say more than that, and you didn't want to start an argument trying to force more out of him, so you - reluctantly - dropped it and led him to the couch, which had already been adorned with blankets and pillows galore. The two of you sat down, and you started the movie with little ceremony. But, rather than cuddling into Yoongi's side, you left a bit of space between you, worried that you would hurt him again. He noticed, though; he always noticed.
You nearly jumped when his hand slid into yours, his fingers lacing between your own. Thankfully, though, you managed not to, instead just smiling wide as you kept your gaze trained on the opening credits of the movie, shifting in to his side just a bit, enough to make him smile just as wide, though he was definitely looking at you.
And apparently Yoongi was full of surprises, because he didn't fall asleep like you'd expected him to, either; once the movie ended, he asked if you wanted to start another, and then another, and the two of you stayed up the entire night, letting movies play and just basking in each other's silence until the sun peaked through the window and you got up to make breakfast.
Do you wanna come over later, to my house?
Listen to your favourite songs,
We'll pretend the words ain't true they don't mean anything to you, but.
Another week passed with little word from Yoongi, but you understood that he was busy working on his mixtape and songs for their next album, so you tried not to pester him too much despite how much you missed him. You texted him whenever he texted you, and you sent reminders for him to eat and sleep when he could, but other than that the two of you didn't talk much.
And then Yoongi called you, and you scrambled to answer.
"Hey, what's wrong?" you asked in a rush, figuring that something had to be wrong if he was calling you out of the blue like this.
"I'm fine," Yoongi assured with a sigh, sounding less than fine, "just..."
"Blocked?" Again, Yoongi sighed, this time sounding aggravated rather than burned out. "Do you want me to bring you food?"
"Could you just..." And this time, he growled. "God, I don't know. I need some inspiration, and I need it now."
"What can I do?" Your voice was soft, hoping to calm him down at least somewhat.
There was a short stretch of silence before Yoongi asked, "Could you come to the studio? Maybe if we listen to some of your favorite songs, I can get some inspiration from them. Because my playlist isn't helping me any."
You smiled warmly despite the fact that he couldn't see it. "Of course. I've had a playlist I've been meaning to show you anyways. Have you eaten?"
A little reluctantly, as if he expected you to scold him, Yoongi muttered, "Not since last night."
"Well then, I'll be there in like 20."
There was another short silence before he muttered, "Thanks..." In a normal relationship, 'I love you,' would have followed, but that one word was enough to let you know just how much he loved you.
Do you wanna come over later?
To my house
Yoongi was just getting busier and busier lately, and you were starting to miss him. The bed felt cold, the house felt empty, but you continued to be supportive and understanding. It was getting harder, though. You couldn't help but feel like his work was what was most important to him, and though you knew he loved you, you knew he did, you just wished you knew if he felt as lonely as you did without him.
You couldn't sleep. You hadn't slept well in a while. You wished you'd just be able to fall asleep as soon as your head hit the pillow like Yoongi did whenever he came over to nap.
That night, though, you were glad you hadn't fallen asleep. You might not have answered the phone when it rang at 2 in the morning.
"Hello?" you asked, not having bothered to check the Caller ID since you knew it would have blinded you.
"I miss you."
And suddenly, everything was okay again. You didn't know how those three words could make you feel so secure, but they did. "Then come over."
"I love you."
Those three words were better. "I know." And you did; you didn't need to hear him say it. He didn't need you to say it back, either, but- "I love you, too, Yoongi."
Stay with me tonight
I'll kiss your head till the morning
I'll let you sleep on my side, of the bed girl
Yoongi didn't care about taking off his shoes, didn't care about his laptop, didn't care about anything but your arms as he intered the house. He managed to get one shoe off before he dropped his bag to the floor and moved to wrap you in a tight hug. His breathing was shallow, and you couldn't tell if it was because he was on the verge of tears or if he'd just run up stairs to get to you. Either way, you didn't address it, just holding him to you as if he could disappear at any moment.
It took a bit of shuffling, but you eventually got him into the bedroom, guiding him to lay down on his back before moving to take off the shoe he hadn't managed to get off earlier. You moved to get him clothes to sleep in, but he tugged you onto the bed before you could take more than a step away from him.
"Yoongi," you protested lightly, "you need to change your clothes."
His only response was a kiss to the top of your head.
You tried to wriggle from his grasp, but only managed to scoot yourself up a bit before he managed to get a vice-like grip on your waist. "Yoongi," you tried again, only to bite your lip so that you didn't sigh when he kissed just below your ear. "Yoongi, you need to change." He only planted another kiss slightly lower, on your neck. "Yoongi, you can't wear jeans to bed." He kissed lower, nipping at the one place he knew could make you moan without fail, and you were sure you were going to bite through your tongue with the effort of keeping your mouth closed.
"Will you at least let me take them off for you, Oppa?"
Of course, that did the trick, and Yoongi finally let you sit up - but made sure to keep a hand on you at all times, as if you'd run away if he let you go - so that you could slide his tight jeans from his legs, leaving him in his boxers and a t-shirt. The t-shirt quickly followed the jeans, though, and you thought you knew what was coming next. However, Yoongi surprised you by just pulling you down into his arms once again, holding you on top of him and breathing deeply into the top of your head.
With your head on his chest, one hand splayed over his stomach while the other was tucked underneath him, you asked, "Wanna talk about it?"
Yoongi only shook his head, kissing the top of yours once again and breathing in the smell of your shampoo, a smell that he'd missed more than he realized.
You thought he would leave it at that, and you were content with just falling asleep on his chest, but he eventually murmured, "I know that I'm not here a lot, but you know that I love you, right?"
"Of course," you whispered, waiting for him to continue before you said anything else.
He was silent for a while, and it wasn't until you opened your mouth to try to prompt him into telling you what was wrong that he said, "I just... I was worried that... I don't know, I was worried that you might... leave."
It was difficult, but you managed to prop yourself up despite Yoongi's tight hold on you. You looked down at him, only to lean down and press your lips to his in a gentle kiss. When you pulled away, you smiled, and though Yoongi didn't manage to smile back, his breathing and heartbeat were a lot calmer when he tugged you back to your place on his chest.
The last thing Yoongi said that night was, "Stay with me?"
"'Til the very end..."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2017 ⏰

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