#3 All Night - Yoongi (ft. Jimin)

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You knew he loved you. He had to. He didn’t say it often, but that didn’t mean that he loved you any less. When he did say it, he meant it, and the passion in his voice was enough to let you know that. And you knew he wouldn’t cheat. It had started off as a joke - he hardly had enough time for you, how would he have enough time to date someone else on the side? - but there was a truth to it, one that you relied on when he he came home at odd times, or maybe didn’t come home at all. But then he started lying to you.
He said he was staying late in the studio, but one of his band mates let you know that he was out at dinner with them, not realizing that he’d told you something else. It was something he never did; if he was going to be somewhere, he’d tell you, save for the few times when he wanted to surprise you by coming home early. This wasn’t one of those times, though, and you didn’t know what to think. He wasn’t cheating, clearly, but somehow that didn’t make you feel any better. In fact, it kind of made you feel worse; you didn’t know why he was lying, but it seemed like it was because of something you’d done.
You decided that the only thing you could do was ask him about it. But he went back to the dorms last night - though he texted you and told you he’d be sleeping in his studio - and you didn’t want to do it over text, so you had to wait.
You didn’t know what was going on, but after the fourth day of waiting for Yoongi to come home, you were getting tired of not having answers. So you did the only thing you could think to do; you went behind his back and asked his friends what was going on.
Jimin was free, and he met you at your place - which had been decidedly empty for the last few days - for a lunch that you’d bribed him with. You tried to keep up idle chatter for a while, but you both knew that that wasn’t what he was here for.
“He’s doing fine. He’s been eating with us, taking naps every now and then, and he’s been pretty focused during practice.” You only hummed in acknowledgement, which confused Jimin. “Did you not want a check up?”
“Kind of…” Jimin raised an eyebrow, so you elaborated. “I just wanted to know what he’s been doing recently. He’s been checking in with me, but…”
“Wait, you two didn’t have a fight?”
“Did he say we did?”
Jimin shook his head quickly. “No, we all just assumed. He hasn’t been talking about you much and he’s been staying at the dorms, so we thought…”
You sighed, sagging in your chair and staring at your plate as if it had the answers to the hundreds of questions running through your mind. “He started telling me he was staying in the studio, but Seokjin-ah told me that he was in their room with him. Everything else is normal, so I don’t get it…”
“Maybe he’s just…”
“Maybe he’s just tired of me.”
You could tell Jimin wanted to deny that vehemently, but he didn’t know what to say; it wasn’t like Yoongi to avoid people when he didn’t want to be with them, at least not like this. There were times when he just needed a few days to himself, not to work or anything, just to relax on his own, and he didn’t hesitate to tell you that during those days. This was different.
Jimin’s phone blew up with a series of texts, and his face fell drastically as he read them. You watched as he took a deep breath and forced a smile as he locked his phone. “Sorry, there’s… Ah, it doesn’t matter. Choreography got messed up. Back to what you were saying about Yoongi; I’m sure it’s nothing. I’m sure he’s just…”
And then your phone started blowing up, this time with notifications from the BTS twitter account that all the boys shared. Before you could even glance down at it, though, Jimin had snatched it from the table. His smile was even wider, but now it was starting to falter, and you were ready to leap across the table and wrestle the phone from him if you had to. “Give me my phone.”
“It’s just Twitter. You can check it later. Why don’t we watch that movie you were tell-”
“Give me my phone, Jimin,” you ordered, your voice more level than you’d imagined it would be.
“But I wanted to watch-”
The boy jumped, his fake smile dropping into the somber frown you’d expected. “No.”
You stood up, prepared to walk around the table and take it from him, but he stood at the same time and took a step away from you. You didn’t want to chase him around the table, but you didn’t see another option.
Three laps around the table was all it took for you to get fed up, and you ended up flipping it, sending the plates still sitting on it crashing to the floor around Jimin’s feet. And you were prepared to walk through the spilled food and plate shards to get to your phone and the irritating boy that held it, but he stopped you before you could, surrendering and motioning towards your living room.
The two of you ended up on the couch, close to one another, with your phone still in Jimin’s hands as he looked at you with what seemed to be worry, which didn’t do much to inspire any confidence in you.
“Look, I’m sure it’s nothing-” Jimin held up a hand before you could interrupt him, cutting you off with, “You’ve waited this long for an answer. Can’t you just wait a few more minutes? Please?”
You sighed, desperately wanting to just grab your phone since Jimin wasn’t exactly keeping it from you any more; he was holding it where you could take it if you wanted to, but you could tell it wouldn’t end well if you didn’t let him explain. Not that you were really confident that it was going to end well either way. “Fine.”
Jimin managed a small smile, one you almost missed, before he continued. “Yoongi-hyung hasn’t said anything yet. He actually… ran off. The others don’t know where he went, but they were sure he was headed here…”
But he should be here by now, you finished internally, knowing he’d had long enough since Jimin’s phone had blown up with texts to get to your home.
“Hyung loves you,” Jimin said, almost surprising you out of your thoughts. “He does. This is probably just some huge misunderstanding.”
You sighed, and again, your voice sounded more level than you expected it to as you asked, “Can I please just see what they look like?”
Jimin seemed reluctant to, but eventually he passed you your phone, and you opened it up to scroll through Twitter. It didn’t take you long to find the picture - Yoongi kissing someone you didn’t recognize. The picture was relatively clear; the background was blurred to the point where you couldn’t make out where they were, but the lips locked in the middle of the frame were perfectly visible.
Jimin’s shoulder was soaked before you even realized that you were crying into it, but once you had you leaned into his arms and buried your face into his neck. He started rubbing his hands up and down your upper arms and back, not sure what else he could do but ready to do anything to make you feel better if he could.
Then your front door opened, and you could recognize Yoongi’s stumbling entrance anywhere, though it wasn’t really something you wanted to hear right now. That didn’t matter, though, because Yoongi was stumbling his way into the living room, breathing heavily as if he’d run the entire way there - which he probably had; it would explain why he was so late - and you knew he was a mess without even looking up at him.
“Please,” Yoongi huffed between breaths, “let me… explain…”
When you didn’t make any move to even look at him, Jimin started to stand, smoothing out the sleeve of your shirt as he did so. He paused for a moment, waiting for you to stop him if you wanted him to stay with you. When you didn’t stop him, he turned to Yoongi, ushering - or shoving, more like - him from the room as he said, “Explain to me.”
The bathroom door didn’t muffle everything, allowing you to hear when Jimin raised his voice to exclaim, “damn well,” “the hell,” “ignore,” “shit,” and a few other things that let you know that Jimin was angry but not much else. Yoongi didn’t shout at all, but you could hear his gravelly voice as he spoke to his dongsaeng, unable to make out any words, though you weren’t sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing.
Eventually, the two boys returned, with Jimin approaching you first to say, “You can call any of us if you need us. Whenever you need us. Okay?”
Jimin stayed at your side until you actually said, “Okay.” Once you had, he nodded, more to himself than to you, and left you alone with Yoongi, shooting him one last warning glare before he shut the front door behind him.
Silence settled over the room, and you rubbed at your face despite the fact that you’d stopped crying soon after you’d realized you started; moving your face into Jimin’s neck had somehow stopped the tears, which you weren’t complaining about.
But then Yoongi sat down beside you, and you wished you could cry, because you knew that the sight of you crying hurt Yoongi more than anything you could ever say to him, and right now you wanted nothing more than to hurt him the way he’d hurt you.
He tried to take your hand, but you pulled away, shifting into the corner of the couch to put as much distance between you as possible as you gaze stayed trained on the locked screen of the phone in your lap. Yoongi debated on whether or not he should reach forward again - you could see his hand hesitating between your lap and his - but eventually he thought better of it and instead fisted his pants leg.
He sighed, and it was then that you noticed he’d caught his breath; he actually seemed to be sniffling now, but you knew better than to think that Min Yoongi would cry. “It isn’t what it looks like.” Your gaze shot up to his, but he continued before you could yell at him. “I swear, it isn’t. I wouldn’t cheat, not willingly.”
Slowly, choosing your words carefully, you repeated, “What do you mean, “willingly”?”
“They were a fan. They wanted to take a picture with me. So I took off my mask, and maybe I let them get too close. I didn’t realize…” You could tell Yoongi was genuinely upset - nearly on the verge of tears - but you weren’t ready to believe him just yet. “ They kissed me, and then they took that picture before I could push them away. But I did push them away, I promise .”
You wanted to believe that, you really did, but… “That doesn’t explain why you’ve been avoiding me for the past five days. Or why you’ve been lying to me about being in the studio when you’re out with the guys.”
Yoongi sighed - everyone seemed to be doing a lot of that - and took a brief pause after, seemingly to collect his thoughts. “I lied because… I should have been in the studio. But… I couldn’t…” He shook his head slightly, as if trying to find a new way to say what he felt needed to be said. “You’re my muse. I think about you when I write. But I can’t think about you without feeling guilty …”
Yoongi met your gaze, confused. “Wh… What do you mean, “why?””
“Why would you feel guilty?”
Again, Yoongi didn’t really know what to say. “Because… I kissed someone else?”
“Did you? I thought they kissed you ,” you repeated, mockingly, now angry rather than upset. Yoongi opened his mouth to respond, but you continued before he could. “Why didn’t you just come to me then if none of it was your fault? Because right now, it seems like you’re lying. If you’d come to me then, before this picture had come out, I’d have believed you. If you’d not ignored me this past week, I would have laughed about this; laughed that some fan thought they could take you from me. But now I know they should be the ones laughing, because they succeeded.”
“Don’t call me that.” You stood, your gaze back on the floor - you knew your resolve would break if you saw Yoongi tearing up, his jaw straining with his attempts to bite back sobs. “Get out.”
“Please, you have to belie-”
“Get. Out.” Yoongi still didn’t make a move to leave, so you balled your hands into fists and ground out, “Either you leave or I will.”
And then Yoongi was on his hands and knees on the floor, his body shaking with silent sobs, as he did something you thought his pride would never allow; he begged. “Please, (Y/N). Please . I love you. Don’t end this. Not like this. Let me prove it to you, please.”
You wanted to say no. You knew you probably should say no; he’d cheated, and he couldn’t be forgiven for that. But maybe he hadn’t cheated. Maybe he was telling the truth; some fan had forced themselves onto him, and he’d pushed them away a second too late. And if he could prove it…
And then you realized, you didn’t need him to prove it. You loved him. And you could remember all the jokes you used to make about him being too lazy to have another significant other. And you knew he would never apologize like this to anyone but you, and not unless he was sincere.
Quietly, silently, you knelt down in front of Yoongi, and your hands hovered above his head, hesitating yet again. But then you took a deep breath and threaded your fingers into his hair, noticing the way he stiffened and froze beneath your touch. And then, after just playing with his hair for a few silent moments, you whispered, “I love you, too.”
Yoongi wasn’t quite ready to look up at you, but he reached forward, grasping onto the cloth covering your thighs and pulling himself forward until his face was buried in them, his tears slowly coming to a stop and drying against your legs.
You didn’t know what else to say, so you said the first thing that came to mind, despite how inappropriate it might have been in the somber setting. “But what were you saying about proving your love for me?”
Yoongi chuckled into your legs in spite of himself, finally sitting up - that was how you knew you’d made the right choice in speaking - and leaning forward to gently press his tear-covered, salty-tasting lips to yours. And what followed could only be described as sweet love, all night long . He was more gentle and loving that night than you could ever remember him being, and you saw no hint of the usual, lethargic Yoongi that was normally ready to pass out after two rounds at most. No, that night was all about proving to you just how much he loved you, how much he needed you, how willing he was to do anything for you, and how he knew you better than anyone.
And, surely enough, a video was circulating the next morning, recorded by a different fan standing nearby. They’d caught the whole thing: the fan asking for a picture, Yoongi taking off his mask, the fan forcefully pulling him in for a kiss, and him pushing the fan away not a second later. And yeah, Yoongi grumbled that, if he’d only waited a few more hours, he wouldn’t have had to work so hard to prove to you that he wasn’t lying, but that only let you know that you two were back to the way you’d been before this mess; after assuring him that he didn’t need to hide from you after something like this, he promised you that he wouldn’t, only to quickly follow that up with, “Now, can we please just go back to sleep, Pabo? You kept me up all night; I’m exhausted.”

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