New begginings

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I padded down the curved rough path Azeala had created just for me. She used her talons to scrape the dying grass clean out of the equally dry terrain. I suppose she thought I was too short to navigate through the tall grass.
I stop for a brief moment feeling the cold air collide with my bronze fur. This is what I love, this is what makes me a wolf.
Across the vast plains I see Kala praying towards me playfully. Her young legs carry her with such an awkward gait I can't help but tease.
"Aha need some help?"
"Says you!" She chanted, while hurling towards me.
It was too late to dodge and she already flew into me.
"Aha I got you! Who's slow Now brother? Cant even dodge such a poor defenceless girl such as I?"
Not knowing how to react to this comment I swatted her face playfully. Her emerald eyes sparkled with happiness as she taunted me closer to the dried up cliffs that over hung the valley. Azaela had always warned me to stay away from them, for I had already learned my lesson that Owls could fly, but wolves not so much.
Kala hopped around me chanting and teasing, her blue fur illuminated in the afternoon sun.
"Bet you can't race me back to the den!"
She squealed as she started clumsily running away.
I had the advantage however, she might be stocky and strong, but my long legs help me to not trip in dying grass.
Swiftly weaving through bushes and hurdling over puddles, I pass her with a flash. I can't help but releasing a grin as I see the determination in her face.
"ITS SO ON!!" I pant.
On the cliffs the earth is dry and flaky, the only time you'll see mud is after a rain shower or in spring, the season of new beginnings.
I reach the den halt so fast shock waves go up my slender legs. Kala nearly goes tumbling over me at this, the adrenaline still coursing through our veines.
"I BEAT YOU!" I scream into her ear, just so she understands my point.
"Well, Im better at fighting so. You can pick your fights there brother." She says still tired from running after me.

Azaela returns to the den shortly after. 
We are nestled up against each other pretending to be fast asleep. It's hard to sleep while always starving. Living on the cliffs is hard, especially since we can only eat owl food. Mice, occasionally rabbits, possibly a fish. But never meaty rich game like caribou or elk. I've been told what it tastes like, but never tried it.

I open my eyes to peek at what is happening. Azaela is tired, you can tell. Her usually lively amber eyes are faded and distant.
"Azaela.." I whisper, just incase Kala was asleep.
"Kundak, darling." Her voice comforted me in many ways. It was firm but gentle and inviting.
"I'm hungry Azaela." I whimper this time, giving her my best puppy eyes.
I stand up and pad over to her careful not to wake Kala. I nudge her smooth sleek wing and feel comfort. I feel safe with Azaela, she is technically my Mum but she forbids I call her that.
"I'm sorry, but I didn't find any prey today.. go back to sleep, My little copper gift." She gestures towards where Kala lays peacefully. Obeying, I open my mouth, but close it again choosing not to say anything, and lay my head down on the cold stone.

When I wake with dozy eyes Kala is gone. I look around finding no sign of her, and even with my sense of smell her scent is faint and distant.
"Azaela." I say
"Pssst Azaela" this time more urgently.
She wakes up abruptly and very ungracefully.
"Whats the matter." She says still half asleep.
"Kala is gone." I nudge my muzzle into her strong chest trying to wake her up.
"She can't be far don't worry Kundak." She isn't awake. No this isn't her, she would care. She would care.
"AZAELA!" I've lost it, an impatient pup who's paranoid about the world.
"Oh wait what did you say?! She's gone?"
Then I hear the blood curdling shrill that could only belong to my sister.

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