Broken trust.

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I was mad. No, infuriated at Kala. I know what I did to her was wrong, but I can't help but absolutely hate her, as I sit alone in my little cave. Azaela meant the world to us both and she was stupid enough to be FRIENDS with the wolves who wanted to kill us at birth, and Azaela now.
It's selfish of me not to warn her.
The one who gave up her life to raise us.
She was probably just perched on one of the few trees in our lands, admiring the light of this beautiful day. Maybe it was the last day she will ever see, and I won't even be able to help it.
I've been able to adjust my ears to the perfect angle to hear things just out side of my cave. This trick has aided me in hearing the rough paw steps inching closer to the edge of the cliffs.
Guilty, shameful paw steps that is.
"Listen I can ex-" she blurts this out abruptly but stops mid sentence as if analyzing the exact words to say to me. She so scared I will hate her, and I do. No words or actions may ever make me forgive my sister.
"Kundak just, please. Let me look into your eyes so I can tell you this." I'm hesitant, but I force myself to stand up, and in one agile movement, I bound over and up the side of the cliffs.
I see her, she's not who she used to be.
Her faces is bloody from my claw marks, and she wears an unreadable expression.  Her eyes are blank, but red enough to tell she was crying. From the pain of my scratches, or my hatred?
"Kundak he forced me. He forced me to tell him about me. Everything. Except, I never mentioned you. So listen, you're safe, you're fine okay?"
"No, how about you listen?! I'm not fine as long as the one I love is in danger, and obviously it's your fault! So maybe I don't love you anymore Kala." I snap, instantly regretting y decision, but I can't face her now. I've probably already done too much, so as I face all of my problems, I simply run away and hide.
•  •  •
I hear the howls In the distance. Some primal instinct simply decodes the music and translates it into meaning. What I hear now sends a shiver down my spine. They're coming.
This is it, I need to do something and now.
I hurdle myself towards the den as fast as my legs can carry me, weaving through dead bush after dead bush and bounding over cracked terrain.
Azaela sits peacefully alone, watching a small fire she has created.
"AZAELA." At this point, I suppose I didn't plan things out so well. What do I say to her? -oh you're gone die so run?- no, don't think so.
"Kundak I know." She stares at me, brave as can be.
"Azaela, how could she? How'd you find out? Aren't you scared? You have to fly away!!!" I don't know what to say first so I just let everything come pouring out of my mouth. The anxiety is building up inside of me. Why is she just sitting there?!?!
"Kundak, I knew from the day I found you the consequences of keeping you pups. I knew the wolves would find me one day and I'm ready for them to come. I accept this death, as I deserve it, because I die today, two young wolf pups have a chance at life and that is what I stand for. I love you both with all of my heart, and you have to stay strong for me, okay?"
Her voice is monotone, but still relaxing somehow.
I'm shaking, she can't honestly be serious? She's just facing death in the face, waiting for it to come?
"Azaela you don't deserve to die! If anything you deserve a medal because you are my hero Azaela I love you!!!! Please please please??! Don't go!" I'm begging her, whining like a pup asking for more milk. The tears are rushing down my cheeks making my fur shiny. I've broken down, I'm a mess. How could my own species be so evil?! I will never trust another wolf again, and I'm ashamed to call myself a wolf.
I stand by Azaela, nuzzling her, I need to spend every last second with her, memorizing her. She is the mom I never had.
•  •  •
The wolves arrive at our den. They are much larger than I, but close to the size of Kala. They smell musky, and like fresh game. I assume the one in the middle is the leader. His stands tall like a soldier with a stern look on his face. He is dark red with bronze patterns, and green eyes, like me and Kala. But he is large and stocky, he could probably take out a small deer in a single blow.
The wolf stares at Azaela, greets her and talks to her explaining wolf costume and laws. It takes every bit of strength I have not to rush in and just tackle him. I'm paralyzed.
They force Azaela outside,  and the leader stares at her momentarily, then snaps in at her neck and bites hard. Azaela lets out the most terrifying skriek, and that's when I watched the life fade from her once glorious eyes.


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