Worlds away

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Azaela has started to let us wander off farther and farther. I've discovered a small nook In the side of the sides of the cliffs. I can manoeuvre my long legs down the side of the cliffs, finding just the right paw holds so I can slip into the small rock cave for some alone time.
My sister found out where I've been going recently, but she's too scared to try and climb down, she keeps whining how dangerous it is.
In the small opening it's only the size of a caribou, but perfect for a young wolf pup to hide away in. I keep moss, and interesting items I find, inside my little cave. It's beautiful, because I have an outstanding view over the valley.
Kala started to wander her own ways as well. But she never tells me where she goes, and someday I plan of finding out.
When I return back to our main den Azaela is sitting alone flexing her brilliantly strong wings. In her beak she holds a small mouse. I'm tempted to ask for a bite, but I'm old enough to hunt on my own now, so I stay quiet.
"Do you know where Kala is?" She said, without glancing over at me.
"Like usual, no." I reply. Kala refuses to tell us where she goes off to, and I respect her privacy, but my curiosity needs to know.
"Okay then." She says, folding her wings and pressing them up against her sides to form a regal position.
I smiled at her, she didn't seem to mind our presence, possibly she liked us. You could see the admiration in her eyes, how deeply she cared for us.
Gazing around, I see the small body of my sister in the distance, racing through the barren land that we call home.
She arrives in a few moments, soaking wet. She says she took a swim again. She has been swimming almost every day, and just by the look in her eyes, I see she's hiding something. Most days she comes home excited and happy, sometimes with pieces of large game she found. But today she had a blank stare, her usually sparkling eyes are hazy. Like she's worlds away from me.
"Kala?" I ask.
"Kundak I need to talk to you..." she murmurs.
I frown, what could it be? I pad over to her and she gestures me further out of the den. We walk slowly away, her breathing is uneven, like she's worried about something.
"There's something wrong.." I say, stating the obvious.
"No Duh." She snaps.
"Wow sorry. Okay just tell me the problem then." I mumble.
"How do I say this... well one day I was running around, I found the valley and... I met some wolves. Like real forest wolves." She sounds scared, that's not very bad though, was this what she was hiding???
"Well, I've been seeing them, they have been giving me meat, and everything! They are sweet almost our age. But, but today when I went to meet them. There was an older wolf with them..."
"So?" I say.
"So." She continues.
"They questioned me, and they found out about Azaela. They're coming soon to kill her." She says this with practically a whisper, terror rushing through her veins.
This is a shock to me, how could she?! I was taken aback that she could ever tell about Azaela. SHE KNEW THE CIRCUMSTANCES.
That's when I take out my anger of betrayal and slash her right through the cheek in a swift blow, and run as fast as my legs can take me.

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