|| Him ||

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It was a clear and calm night as Harry Darling, a young ordinary boy, barely in school, from London was drifting off to sleep in his comfy, luxurious bed exhausted from his adventurous day at the park. Just as his eyelids closed, he was jolted awake from the abrupt sound of his bedroom windows being shoved open. Frightened, he yanked his covers closer to his body, although knowing they would provide no real protection from whatever was lurking. The curtains swooshed around ferociously, flicking and licking at the air. No other noise followed that of the window opening, leading the small boy to believe it was just the wind... He hoped. He shivered from the chill the wind held and he scoffed.

"I'm not afraid of the silly wind! I'm a big boy! Not even monsters scare me now I'm 10!" He whispered, regardless of his panic before. A loud ghostly howl of the wind made Harry slide right under his covers. He clutched them around him, breathing heavily.

"I'm not afraid, I'm not afraid. It's just the wind." He chanted to himself. After a few moments of nothing but the wind, Harry peeked his head out of the covers, only to see a A shadow fly past the open window.
He gasped and gripped the covers tightly, feeling as if this wasn't enough he grabbed his favourite teddy, Mr Freckleson, and hugged him close. Wide-eyed he bravely called out, "W-who's there?" He stuttered. The shadow flew past again. "I k-know you're t-there!" He called out again.

"Aw well there goes my game!" A cheeky voice replied. Following the voice a slim, but curvy figure flew through the window and landed lightly onto the soft carpet of Harry's floor.

"W-who are you? W-what do you want? Please don't h-hurt me," Harry whimpered, hugging Mr Freckleson tightly. The figure stepped closer to Harry, slowly, giggling at Harry. Harry thought it sounded cute. Someone who giggles as cute as that couldn't possibly mean any harm? Could they?

"I don't want to hurt you, silly! I just want to play," The person said. Harry slowly and warily lifted his covers off himself until he was fully out and sat on his bed in his Toy Story pyjamas looking curiously at the person in his room who he still couldn't see properly due to the lack of light. He wanted to see the person who so rudely entered his room through the window. He wanted to see if he looked like a killer like in the movie he once watched while no one was around. So, with courage, he crawled over his bed and turned his Cars lamp on giving the room a yellow glow. He looked over to the figure and was automatically stunned at how beautiful this boy is. Yes a boy, a very beautiful boy. He had caramel coloured hair covered in a little green hat with a red feather in it, wispy fringe poking out at the front and long eye lashes that left a shadow on his slightly pink cheeks. He wore a green vest type top and light green tights with brown boots. Harry giggled at the tights. He had never seen a boy wear tights. A silver necklace with an aeroplane as its charm was slung around his neck. This boy was petite, also feminine. Harry had the strong urge to crawl over to the boy and stroke his soft, tan skin. A cheeky smile was set on the boys face, his smile was even more beautiful than Harry could imagine.

"Close your mouth, pumpkin, you look like a codfish," The boy spoke.
Harry noticed his mouth was slightly agape. Immediately he shut it and blushed slightly from the nickname. The boys voice was very feminine too, and soft. Harry would describe it as the voice of an angel mixed with honey and tea. He wanted to know more of this boy; what his name is, how old he is, where he comes from, what's his favourite food. He needed to know. So he started with the simplest question, "What's your name?"

"Louis Pan." The boy replied. Louis. The name suited him quite.

"I'm H-" Harry started but was cut off by Louis.

"Harry Darling. I know."

"How do you know my name?"

"Well I like coming here every night to listen to your mothers stories. She has fantastic stories."

"Yeah they're great," Harry agreed. "Why haven't you come in before?"

"I don't know really... I didn't want to scare you but I just couldn't help myself tonight. You're just so...pretty. I had to talk to you," Louis replied. Harry went tomato-red at that. Louis thought he was pretty? Harry realised that Louis looked a lot older than himself.

"Louis, how old are you? If you don't mind me asking?" Harry questioned.

"I'm 16," He replied. Louis came and sat next to Harry on the bed. In that position, the light was directed more onto Louis' face making it glow beautifully. Harry almost lost his breath at how beautiful Louis looked. He also noticed just how blue and amazing Louis' eyes were and how pink and soft his lips looked.

"Well I better go..." Louis announced getting back off the bed and heading towards the window.

"Wait, Louis..." Harry called, reaching off the bed slightly towards him. Louis turned around to look at Harry.

"How are you getting home?" Harry asked.

"Fly, of course!" Louis replied as if it was the most obvious thing.
Harry was confused, "But flying is impossible."

The confused look that marked Harry's face was enough to keep Louis coming back forever, "Not with faith, trust and pixie dust," he informed the young boy.

This guy is crazy... I must be dreaming...I really hope I'm not dreaming. Harry thought to himself.

"Right... where do you live?"


Neverland? Harry had never heard of such a place.

"Where's that? I've never heard of it before. It must be far away, Harry said trying to think if he'd ever heard or seen such a place on the maps around his classroom at school.

"Oh it is; the second star to the right and straight on till morning. It's quite far away but it doesn't take too long when you fly."

Harry was now extremely confused. He had never heard of such nonsense. Pixie dust, flying being possible, Neverland. Harry was too deep in thought to realise Louis was now standing on the windowsill.

"Tink!" Louis shouted snapping Harry out of his thoughts. Harry looked up at Louis on the windowsill joined by a little ball of glowing yellow light on his shoulder. No that cant be what he thinks it is. A fairy? "Time to go, Tink," Louis announced.
Harry couldn't let him go. Not without knowing if he would ever see him again. "Wait Louis!" Harry shouted. Louis turned around again. "Will I ever see you again?" Harry asked.

Louis smiled and replied, "I'm sure you will," Before flying off into the London air. Harry eagerly jumped off the bed and ran over to the window gazing out into the sky he saw Louis flying off heading for the stars. The second star to the right and straight on till morning...  

Just then, Harry's bedroom door opened and his mother rushed into the room with a worried look on her face.

"Harry what are you doing out of bed? I heard noises. What have I told you about going near the window?" Harry's mother, Anne, said scooping Harry up in her arms and looking out the window to see what her son was so curious about. That's when she saw...him... distant in the night sky.

"No..." She whispered. This couldn't be happening. She knew of him. She knew the dangers of being associated with him. She knew he still hung around at night but she never thought he would actually talk to Harry, at least, not for another few years. She must keep a close eye on her son, for his safety. Being with him wasn't safe.

Harry hoped he would see the blue-eyed boy again and he hoped it would be soon. His mother put him back into bed after shutting the window and locking it tight. She switched off his lamp and with a kiss of the cheek, said goodnight once again and walked out shutting the door behind her leaving Harry to fall off to sleep with thoughts only of the particular boy that decided to pay him a visit.

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