Chapter 2 - Different Goodbye

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Since Louis' first visit that night, he had come every night since. Every night it was the same. Harry would be put to bed after his little sister Gemma and his mother would tell him a story which Louis would listen to through the window. Harry's mother would then do all she could to keep Louis out - shut and lock the window and encourage Harry to stay in bed and sleep. She even considered getting a guard dog, but thought that may be too suspicious to Harry and may scare Jemma.

Harry thought his mother had no idea of Louis' visits but she knew more than Harry could imagine.

Louis told Harry more and more about Neverland. Things like you don't grow up, which fascinated Harry. He also told him about all the creatures that lived in Neverland like Red Indians in tribes, Pirates, Mermaids and Pixies. To Harry, Neverland sounded like a wonderfully magical place full of beautiful islands and sunshine and crystal blue waters. Somewhere he would love to go.

A few nights of visits turned into a week, a few weeks turned into months and months turned into two years.

* * *

For two years Louis visited Harry every night without fail and watched him grow into a cute little twelve year old. Brown curly locks, beautiful emerald green eyes, milky skin and pink pouty lips that looked so kissable to Louis.

Harry's mother, Anne, closed Harry's door as she did every night. Harry waited the standard minute, listening to his mother patter down the all, then jumped up and opened the window his mum locked every night. Louis flew in right away as always and embraced Harry in a tight hug. The two young boys grew closer and closer over the two years and developed a special bond, one that Harry believed was unbreakable. Anne knew of this, she could tell by the glint in Harry's eyes that something had changed, and it frightened her. It was a look she knew all too well.

"Hi Hazza!" Louis greeted, ruffling the boys curls. Despite his cheerfulness, he sounded off.

"Hey Lou," Harry greeted in return ignoring his sense of Louis being a bit off. The two boys went and sat on the bed as usual. Most nights they just talked. They talked about life in Neverland and all the great things Louis came across and also about Harry's life; school, friends, family.

Soon it was time for Louis to go. He never stayed long, an hour and a half max. He always said that Harry needed his sleep. Harry was always sad at this point, even though he knew it would arrive faster than he would like.
Stood by the window, Louis gave Harry a last, tight hug. !!He pulled away slowly and looked at Harry. He leant down and kissed Harry's cheek softly, and then again but on the corner of Harry's lips.

"Louis what are yo-" Harry started but was cut off by Louis' soft lips on his. Louis kept his lips gently pressed to Harry's, not moving, not adding anything, just savouring this moment. Louis pulled away regretfully and took one last look at Harry before climbing on the windowsill and calling out to Tinkerbelle, who yes Harry discovered the very next night after Louis' first visit is a fairy.

"Goodbye Harry. I'll miss you." Louis said before flying off. Harry shook himself out of his shocked state from Louis kissing him and ran over to the window.

"Louis wait! Will I see you again?" Harry asked just like the first night Louis visited him. He wasn't sure why he asked since Louis has visited him every night for the past two years but he felt like he needed to. Something about Louis' goodbye was different from the others. Not just because Louis kissed him, which was amazing, but also because something just didn't seem right. Louis turned to look at Harry but said nothing. He flew away. Straight on to Neverland. A tear ran down Harry's cheek. He had a feeling he wouldn't be seeing Louis again but he didn't know why. Did he get sick of Harry? Did Harry do something wrong? With all these thoughts racing through Harry's mind he broke down. He dropped to the ground and hugged his knees to his chest and let out a choked sob. The chilly London night air was coming in from the still open window and it made Harry shiver. Which only reminded him of the first night he met Louis as he was hiding under the covers with the same chilly air coming through the window making him shiver. The memory only made him cry more. He climbed up onto the window and sat on the window sofa and looked out into the night sky. The second star to the right and straight on till morning. The way to Neverland. Faith, trust and pixie dust. How to fly. Captain Hook. Louis' enemy who wants him dead. All these memories and information flooding through Harry's mind. No. Louis is coming back, he is.

"I gotta have faith. He will come back." Harry said to himself. He wiped his eyes and got up off the window sofa, shut the window and climbed into his warm bed turning off his lamp and drifting off into a restless sleep.


The next night after Anne had left Harry like every other night, he walked over to the window nervous that he wouldn't find Louis waiting. He opened the window and waited. After 5 minutes of waiting his stomach dropped. He knew Louis wasn't coming. No. Something must have happened to make him a little late. Harry grabbed a blanket from his bed and climbed onto the window sofa and sat their staring at one particular very bright star waiting.

After an hour of waiting it really dawned on Harry that he would probably never see Louis again. The thought of not seeing the pretty blue-eyed boy ever again made him tear up. And unlike last night he couldn't stop the tears from flowing freely. Harry didn't know how long he sat there staring at that star crying, wishing, hoping Louis would show up but soon he ended up crying himself to sleep.

Anne came in the next morning to find Harry asleep in what looked like a very uncomfortable position on his window sofa. She walked over to him and inspected him more to find dry tear tracks down his face. He didn't come last night. She didn't know why but it wasn't her concern. If he never comes back again then she can make Harry forget about him all together and he'll be safe. Anne gently shook Harry awake so he could get ready for school. Harry mumbled something in his half-awake-half-asleep state that his mum couldn't hear.

"What honey?" She asked.

"H-he's gone. Forever. Not coming back. Never gonna see 'im again." He said again.

"Oh honey it's ok."

"No. No I want him. I want him back." Harry whined

Just hearing Harry want him so much made Anne realise just how far this had gone.

Second chapter up already. I already got a few reads on this story already which I was surprised about. Share this story around maybe? Hope you're enjoying It so far.

- Brooke xoxo

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