Chapter 6: Magic Number

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I apologize for taking WAY TOO long to update! I was very busy and this week when I started to write again I got writer's block I suppose? This is a bit of a boring chapter... So sorry! I'll try to make the next chapter a bit Heh. Have a great weekend everyone!

By the way... There will be too many typos and grammar errors. I didn't proofread.

Chapter 5 Recap:

I get to the trailer and quickly sit down on a big comfy black couch. This had to be one of the most comfortable couches I've ever sat on. Maybe I will get one for my apartment, I could use more furniture...

Ottoke... Why is that kiss making me feel like this? That had to be one of the most sweetest and passionate kiss I've ever had. Not that I've kissed many guys, only about 3 including Hongki... But it really was something else, I can't even explain what I felt. I don't even know what it was that I felt! All I know is that the kiss gave me such a wonderful feeling; I felt like I was taken to heaven. It sounds cheesy, but that's what I felt when Hongki kissed me. It was just for the music video, but I can't deny the feeling I felt when Hongki's lips touched mine. Even now, as I brush my lips with my fingers, I can still feel his lips on mine. His sweet tender lips...

"Mina, are you okay?" A now too familiar voice coming from behind me asked sounding very concerned.

Ottoke? I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't notice anyone walk in. How long has he been standing there?


Chapter ❻ - Magic Number

“Oh!”, was all I managed to say while jumping out of the couch. I was in my own little world and got easily startled. Geez, I hope he didn't notice me touching my lips, he'll think I'm weird.

“Sorry! I didn't mean to scare you! You look...shaken up. Are you really okay? You suddenly just left the set and your manager said you looked like a walking corpse so I came to make sure you're okay..” He asked again his face looking apologetic and his tone sounding concerned.

“Yes Minhwan, I really am okay. Thank you for taking your time to check up on me.” I tell him with a sincere smile.

“Hm.. Is it that you didn't like Hongki's kiss? He might be known as a player, but I hear he's a terrible kisser. I heard he once chipped a girl's tooth because he used too much force and bumped heads.” Minhwan said with raised eyebrows as a small smirk. Is he lying or could it be true?

“HaHaHaHa. Andwae! Did he really chipped a girl's tooth before, jinjjaro??” I asked him really curious to know. Back when we were having our kiss he did not seem inexperienced at all.

“Yup. But I think it was because she already had a loose tooth.” Minhwan said with a huge grin on his face.

“A loose tooth? She had a loose tooth?” I asked him shocked. How can someone grown have a loose tooth? Did she not have good oral hygiene?...

“Yes a loose tooth, a baby tooth. They were barely 11 years old and appear entry she still had a baby tooth.” He told me with a smirk on his face. He did that on purpose! How did I fall for his joke...

“OMO! I totally fell for it! Here I was thinking what kind of grown person has a loose tooth. That was not funny. HaHaHa.” I told him trying to hold my laugh, but it eventually came out.

“I can't believe how gullible you are. HaHa. I didn't think you would fall for it, it was pretty lame!” He said, “Do you sill feel shaken up or are you feeling better?”.

With just a monte of talking to him i felt completely better. It wasn't that I wasn't feeling good, I was just in shock I guess... Minhwan is a sweet really guy who's been nothing but nice to me since we started filming. It has only been a day of working with him, but with the small amount of time that we've talked I feel comfortable being around him. He gives me a good vibe, like he can be someone I can trust.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2014 ⏰

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