Chapter 6

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"I dunno kid, seems like you're in a bit of a pickle." I didn't know what to say.

"Yea, I've know that for a while." He chuckles.

He wasn't bad looking either. Dark brown hair and icy blue eyes and pretty muscular. I could see where he went wrong with the whole boy thing. If he was straight he would have tons of girlfriends but he's gay.

"I think you should go for it. I mean I don't know you but love is love. Go for what you want." I nod my head.

"You think so?" He asks.

"Yea, I really do. I think life's too short to not love someone. Or I mean sometimes that's not people's thing and thats okay too. However for you it is so go for it." I look at the boy to see in his eyes something I didn't recognize.

It was like as if something I was doing was holding him back from doing what he wanted and I guess it bothered me. So I called him out on it.

"What you thinking about kid?" I ask.

"Just him." It was probably the romantic thing I've ever heard and it didn't come from my husband.

"You really love him don't you?"

"Yes, I've loved him since I laid eyes on him." He bites his lip and laughs.

"Well good luck with your day, I've got to go back inside to hopefully calm down my husband for leaving him like I did. It wasn't a good sight that's for sure." I sigh and get up.

The boy stays on the stairs as I enter through the hotel doors. I walk over the elevator and press the number 4. It lifts me up and I walk out once the doors open. My legs take me to my room and I open it with the key that I had kept in my pocket just in case. I open the door quietly and shut it. Then I walk over to my room to see my husband pacing the floor. I smile at his kindness.

"Hey honey, I'm back." I whisper.

"Oh my god Lexi! I thought I lost you, when you didn't come back I got worried and started pacing an..." I kiss him on the lips to make him stop talking.

"Why are you guys up this early? It's like four in the morning?" I hear Alex ask behind me and let go of my husband's lips.

"We're sorry Alex, go back to bed." I turn around and smile.

"Why are you guys up?" He asks.

"I think the better question is why are you up?" Eric raises his eyebrow.

"I heard the door open and close and then I heard you mumbling so basically you guys woke me up." He lets out a little smile.

"I'm sorry hon, go back to bed now. Mom and Dad are gonna do the same." I nod and head into the bedroom.

Eric follows me and closes the door. I lay on the comfy bed and put myself under the covers once more. Soon sleep takes over with no dreams to comfort me from this disturbing morning.

"Mom! Dad! It's already noon! The party starts at 1!" I hear someone yell.

"Yea sure just give me like one more minute." I say as I fall back to sleep.

"MOM, DAD IT'S ONE THIRTY!!!" Alex yells.

"Oh god." I wake up. "Honey, wake up we gotta go we're late!"

I run up to the closet and picked out the nice yellow sun dress I picked for today. It went about a little above the knee and had a bow in front above of my stomach. It had spaghetti straps and fit pretty well. I see Eric put on his gray suit with a yellow tie so we matched. I walk out to the kitchen to see Lani in a nice baby blue shirt and jeans. Alex however looked off. He was wearing a black shirt with really dark blue jeans.

"Son, what are you wearing?" Eric asks him.

"This is what I picked out from the store, Mom didn't stop me so..." He shrugs.

"Whatever we gotta go. Come on." I wave all of the kids to get out of the hotel and into the car.

We reach the building in like ten minutes. It was my old high school and just gave me serious anxiety just thinking about it. All of us get out of the car and go up to the door. I stop right before then and let out a breath. I didn't belong here. I didn't graduate. I didn't finish school.

"You can do this." Eric whispers into my ear.

"Okay." I take his word and the door handle and we walk in.

The school didn't really change except it was now really old. The bricks seemed to be wearing away and the windows were permanently stained from how many times they've tried to wash them. I walk closer and closer to where I would probably die. The commons.

Everyone from my old school was here. Though, I didn't see her yet. They all looked at me like a was a thorn in a sunflower patch. Then they all went back to talking like it was nothing. There was so many little kids and older kids too. Lani immediately became friends with some of the little girls and boys running around the floor.

Alex just kind of sat off alone which worried me but I couldn't show it. People walked up to me and introduced their wives/husbands to us and I did the same. Only a few people recognized him as a teacher and they didn't seem it was weird so that's good. Eric seemed to flourish in this environment to be greeting people and talking. He was an amazing talker.

I walk around a little more and then I see her. Beautiful long blonde hair bounces as she talked to one of our classmates. Her blue eyes left them and grew on me. Her mouth widen and no words escaped. I felt everyone's eyes land on me and her.

"Lexi?" Her beautiful voice asks.

"Maci, is that you?" I ask the stranger the stares back at me.

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