Chapter 8

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Hi guys J I know, I know I haven’t updated in forever but I’m updating now! I just want to say WOW. The reads are more than double what they were the last time I checked! Thank you so so so so much!!!!! I might post another chapter again soon depending on how many reads this chapter gets so…. Yeah.

Oh and I’m dedicating this chapter @ColeenMape for motivating me to write this J

Xo Hannah xo

I woke up to someone tapping me on the shoulder.

“What?” I asked tiredly, annoyed that someone had the balls to come in my room and actually wake up. The culprit of my poking wasn’t saying anything so I opened my eyes…. And almost shat my pants.

“What the fuck! Jack, get out of my bed!”

When I opened my eyes Jacks was lying in my bed with his eyes wide open staring into mine and his face only centimetres from my, now completely awake, face.

“Good morning sis, how did you sleep?” Jack said, cheering as ever and still in my bed.

“Jack! Get out of my fucking bed!”


“Will you get out if I told you I had no pants on?” I asked

I actually did have pants on but Jack didn’t know that.

“EWWW! Emma your disgusting!” He said whilst running out of my room

I chuckled to myself quietly before yelling after him “And you’re so childish! And put a shirt on Jack, save it for Taylah”

I get up, have a quick shower and get dressed before I make my way out to the kitchen. As I walk in I smell food.’ Ooh yay, I hope there’s bacon or pancakes. OMG what if its bacon AND pancakes!’  I thought to myself. Wow I really need to grow up. As I looked around, I noticed something.

“Seriously? What do you guys have against shirts?”

“Well I’m not complaining. In fact, I actually prefer it like this. Wouldn’t it be amazing if they had never inventing shirts for men?” Kat asked making me notice her for the first time this morning.

 “Kat in your head are you imagining that all of the guys in that scenario have good bodies?” She nodded  “ Right now, what I want you to do is imagine the opposite. All of the guys have to be fat and ugly. You got it?” Kat made a face but nodded “Now do you wish that they hadn’t invented shirts for men?”

“I think you just scared me for life Emma.” She said and started walking towards the stove. When she walked past me she whispered in my ear “ For Life.”

I couldn’t help it, I burst out laughing, after a while everybody else joined me. When we calmed down we served out breakfast. There was no bacon or pancakes which I found immensely disappointing but there was eggs and sausages so it was okay.

“Are you guys all packed?” I asked while we were eating

There were a lot of ‘yeah’s  muttered through mouths full of food

“Ok, Did you have fun while you were here?”

More ‘yeah’s. “Really guys? ‘Yeah?’ Is that all I get? One word answers?” I joked

“Fine Emma, We all had a fantastic time with you here in LA.”


“And thank you for letting us stay in your apartment.”

“And…” I provoked

“And your hair looks awesome”

“And…” I have to admit I was enjoying this, maybe a little to much

“Jeez woman, what more do you want?”

“I was just seeing how much I could get away with Jack, settle down.” I laughed

“Haha, very funny. I’m going to do the dishes now.”

“Thank you Jack, love you!” I yelled after him as he walked to the kitchen

I got up to help him but I heard a knock at the door so I went to answer that instead and as soon as I opened it I hugged the person on the other side.

“Aha, well hello to you too babe.” Logan said as we pulled away

“Do you want some breakfast? I think there’s leftovers” I asked as we walked in.

“No I already ate but thanks”

Logan greeted everyone and sat down  “Alright when are we gonna do this skype thing coz to be honest I’m shitting my pants”

“We could do it now if you like.” I replied as I sat down on his lap.

“That would be awesome” He said looking up at me

“Ok I’ll go get my laptop” I gave Logan a quick peck on the lips before I got off of him to fetch my laptop from my room.

“C’mon guys! Get a room” Kat sniggered.

I came back in and logged onto to Skype as I sat down next to Logan on the couch. Everyone except Logan, Jack and I had gone over to Kats apartment to give us some privacy.

“Jack come here and sit down, the camera can’t see you if you’re standing up dumbass. ” I told my older brother because he was standing behind the couch towering above us and the camera could see up to his belly button. “And for the love of God put a fucking shirt on!”

“Emma watch your language.” A stern male voice coming from my laptop said

“Oh, hi dad, I didn’t realise that you were there.”

“If it’s alright with you Emma, I’d like to suggest that Jack keep his shirt off. I’d like to admire the view” A tan girl with blond hair with a few brown highlights said.

“Hey Tay, how have you been? What have you been up to?”

“I’ve been great thanks, Emma. And I got engaged!! See?!?” Taylah squealed showing me her engagement ring.

“Wow, that’s beautiful” I admired the ring, it was a medium sized diamond with a smaller diamond on either side set on a platinum gold band. It was gorgeous. “Who helped you pick that out Jack?” I asked knowing that he wouldn’t have been able to pick something that beautiful out with the help of a woman.

“Miranda, duh.” Jack answered as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

Miranda is Taylah’s best friend, they have been best friends since high school and Jack turns to her for help and advice with pretty much everything to do with Taylah. If it wasn’t for Miranda Jack and Taylah probably wouldn’t have lasted through high school.

“Ok, Ok you two can have a girly talk about girly things later. Now who’s this gentleman? You look familiar. Emma was he the one that you had posters of all over your bedroom walls. Yeah it was him and that band from England.”

Oh my god, can my dad be any more embarrassing?

“You had posters of me and One Direction all over your bedroom walls?”

“It wasn’t One Direction! They’re not the only British boy band.” I defended

“Who was it then? And You’re not denying that you had posters of me in your bedroom.” Logan teased

“It was The Vamps and I’m not denying because I did.” I admitted

Logan had a smug look on his face and Jack was out of sight. So was Taylah. Maybe they’re skypingg in the other room.

Alright time to face the music.

“Emma, why is the guy that was all over your bedroom now sitting next to you on the couch?”

“Dad, this is Logan, he’s my boyfriend.”

Alrighty done. You might get another chapter soon but I’m not promising anything. Its almost the end of holidays and I’m catching up with friends and family and stuff so yeah. Hope you enjoyed it. Sorry again for not updating sooner.

Xo Hannah xo

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2014 ⏰

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