Chapter 5

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Hey readers, how’s everyone doing? I noticed that I haven’t been getting as many reads lately and even less comments. I really need your feedback, It really helps with the story. Please remember to SHARE, VOTE AND COMMENT!!!

And I would just like to say to my friend @chstories you and ‘Dean’ should go out!!!!!!!

Xo Hannah xo

Ok, I admit the interrogation wasn’t that bad. I’m quite proud of Logan; he didn’t cower or cringe at any of Jacks questions. Well I went kinda like this;

“Logan have you ever cheated on a girlfriend?” Jack asked

“No, I have always been faithful” he answered

“Uh huh… Have you ever hit a girl”

Logan looked disgusted “No I have never, EVER hit a girl nor will I ever hit one in my life.”

It went on like this for a while, Jack asked questions about how Logan would treat me, what it would be like for me if he had to shoot a movie for months on end and I am appalled to say but he also asked about his sex life. Sometimes I have no idea of what’s going on in that mind of his.

After a while Jack pulled me aside with an apologetic look on his face and told me

“Emma, he passes my test but you know who really has to impress.”

Yeah I knew, I knew all too well,  my dad. My dad’s funny and embarrassing most of the time but when it comes to me and boyfriends…well that’s a different story.

“He doesn’t have to know. Please don’t tell him.” I plead but then I realise that it’s pointless, dad already knows I have a boyfriend, I told him so.

“Shit!” I mutter under my breath “Look can we at least wait until the end of your trip, I want to delay it as long as I can.”

“Why? It’s gonna happen eventually” he asked

“So I can tell Logan what to and what not to say. Look I really like him and I don’t want dad messing it up, He’s done enough of that in the past, remember Luke?”

“Yeah I do, he was nice why did you guys breakup anyway?”

“Dad, dad broke us up!” I whisper to him loudly

“Oh” was all he said

After a moment of thinking Jack agreed that we would hold off the potential breakup talk with my dad until Jacks last day here.

We went back to the living room and I sat next to Logan on the couch and leaned into him as he put his arm around me.

“Did I pass?” he asked me

“Yep, you passed Jack’s test but the real test is my dad?”

“Your dad? I thought he was in Australia.”

“He is.  Jack wanted to Skype him now but I talked him into Skyping him on the Lads last day here.” I said as I smiled about my amazing skills of persuasion. I turned my head expecting to see Logan smiling as well but I saw a look of confusion on his face.

“Who are the Lads?” he asked me

Right, I forgot he didn’t know about the ridiculous name that the boys had given themselves

“The Lads are what Jack and his friends call themselves” I told him and saw his look of confusion vanish.

“Well anyway, I came here to ask if you wanted to come to the movies with me today. The new Hunger Games movie comes out today.” He told me

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