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*Unicorns are a truly spectacular species. Many humans believe humans are the most advanced creature living on planet earth today. That is incorrect, unicorns are.

Unicorns over the years have created a manner of things used commonly in the world today such as; iPods, headphones, make up, ice cream and many other things unicorns believe are needed to survive. Carrots were not created by unicorns nor anything too healthy as unicorns are very strongly against things that are too healthy. They find it very hard to survive when they eat healthy so opt into eating yummier, sugar filled food.

At this moment in time, no matter how hard scientists of the unicorn world have worked, we still have not discovered why some people in families receive this gene and others don't.

The gene to be a unicorn is unlike any other gene discovered to this day. Other genes discovered so far have only made up our physical appearance; physical characteristics; and things like dyslexia, anxiety and synaesthesia. They have not made you a different species.

We have come to believe it is a lot like vampirism except we are born like this. Vampires, when they are changed, have something quite alike to a gene spread through their body making them crave blood.

Some unicorns are hard to identify but others not so much. They can look like a normal animal (or human) or they can be sparkly in some areas, oddly coloured or have an inhumane beauty about them. Many unicorns have coloured nails which was what the idea of nail polish came from. A unicorn's horn will only appear when they most need it. Sometimes though, a unicorn will be born with a permanent horn which causes us all great grief, as we need to chop it off or risk getting discovered.

There are many different smells of unicorns but the main ones are; mint, vanilla ice cream and roses. They find it very hard to disguise their scent even with lots of perfume so many just leave it as it is, pretending it's perfume.

They are known to strongly dislike meat as many unicorns have been captured (mistaken for wild animals) and eaten. Unicorn meat tastes different from any other creature ever discovered. I, as a unicorn, haven't tried it but am told it pops like popping candy.

Unicorns have powers that they learn over time. As a new born they can only do one very simple power. It is normally something like mind control, flying (small pixie like wings appear when no one but unicorns are near them), enchanted singing (at that young age they can only sing in Enchancin, the unicorn language) and shape shifting.

*None of the facts in this book have been proven. These facts are what I, Emily Wood, have chosen to believe. This also includes the fact that unicorns exist and that I am one. There is no scientific proof as to whether this is true at this moment in time. Updates will be made later in time if anything in this is proven to be true.

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