A Phony Imitation

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I wrote poems to many people:
To my ex-girlfriends, friends,
Best friends, enemies,
Even towards the values I defend.

But this poem is not for anyone special,
It is for the person that is always mad.
The biggest idiot I met in my life;
The one I am supposed to call "Dad".

What cute things I would write towards you?
Nothing that will make you smile.
As if I gave a damn about you,
But faking that pathetic love is what gets me tired.

A fool you were to forget about your education,
A fool you are being lazy for no workdays.
A fool you shall remain for the rest of the days
To choose alcohol over your own son's birthday.

Sadly, I know the past
You and mom tried to bury from me.
You don't think I know that dark past,
But now I have to disagree.

Wanted to shoot everyone in the family?
Next time you piss me off you will regret it.
You want to act like a tough guy against me?
I'll be the red blooded demon you have yet to meet.

What I feel for you
Makes "hate" be a nice word.
You think you are a real father?
That "statement" is just absurd.

We left P.A. to help your parents
And you repay us cursing on a daily basis?
How about if I tell you to fuck yourself and die?
I have been a better father than you in many different cases.

Your son,
Silence Rodriguez

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