It's a Date Then ✔

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"Let's go see a movie."

I pause the show and look at him. He does not look back as I give him my confused expression.

"What is this about?" I ask curiously. He shrugs and gives me a classic smirk.

"I just said let's go see a movie. No strings attached," he says confidently. The sly fox, as suspicious as he already seems to be, picks out his phone. "They released some new ones recently in theatres. I think they have a new horror film out. I've been dying to see it."

I huff, "well, it is late October." He shows me his phone and the showtimes for each movie appear in a list underneath the Google search. "Why would I go see a movie anyway. You might slip me some medication in my drink or something." I cross my arms as he pulls back some. "It's happened before."

"I'll be there the entire time. How the hell would I slip medication to you if I don't have any in the first place?" He is as thin-skinned as ever. "You destroyed them remember." He clicks on something and shows me again. "Let's watch this," his finger hovers near the screen. The movie poster shown is of a terrifyingly old nun. A creepy one at that. Who even comes up with this horrifying stuff? It is plain scary looking!

"Let me get this straight. You want to take me to see a movie about an evil nun?" I raise my eyebrow at him. I do not normally watch horror movies. I never could let myself in the first place, but mostly because I am terrifyingly scared of them. My instincts probably want me to avoid unnecessary problems that might arise during such a film.

"You are correct, bunny boy. And it starts late tonight, so you might want to get ready seeing as it is almost supper time." He suggests at the time on his phone. I sigh loudly and give in to this silly idea of a movie date.

"Fine." I find myself getting ready in front of the bathroom mirror. The tangled mess of purple is thrown up into a sloppily, small bun. You could really notice the bags beginning to appear under my eyes. Sleep is something I apparently am not too good at nowadays. I wish I can pass out the moment my head hits the pillow. The baggy sweater I wear sits nicely on my frame, and my jeans compliment the grayness of it. Colorful Vans then follow suit to finish it off the desired look. I take a moment to spare a long look before making the way downstairs. Foxy is tying up his old boots by the front door. I notice he wears a dark sweater with a velvety red for the jeans. A good match for this seasonal cold.

"Are you ready?" I break from my trance and see him opening the door for me. I raise my hand for a weak salute. My lips sport a small smile.

"Yes sir," I respond, dropping my salute. My left hand instinctively checks my pockets for my phone. I can not leave that behind, now can I? The rectangular shape stands out, and I just I leave it be. When we step outside, there is a Jeep with a rental sign dangling on the mirror.

"Funtime is letting me use the rental for now. It's good on gas." I take the passenger side while Foxy places some things in the back seat.

"I should sell my car if I'm never going to use it." I say unconsciously. It accidentally leaves me because I am just thinking about my car that I barely use.

He smiles very jokingly, "don't be like that. Think about it like this. In a way, you don't have to pay for gas or anything like that." It almost sounds like sarcasm, but it isn't. "No mechanical repairs, broken dials, and such. You get the idea?"

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. Tell me again why we are headed to a movie?" I moved the subject over by trying to question him. He does not seem to want to answer, but he at least tries to say something.

"To get your stubborn ass out of the house of course."

"Sure, whatever you say." There's nothing much I can really do here. I remain seated and silent, waiting for him to hurry up. When we eventually arrive, after an hour of driving to the mall, there are a lot of people waiting in long lines. By looking at them, I already have the feeling that J want to go back home. They either are waiting for tickets or for the overly expensive concessions.

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