Maybe Another Time ✔

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I washed the last plate, and dried my hands off with the nearby towel. "Chica! Didn't I say not to leave your dirty towels out?" She looked up from her seated position on the couch, and gave me a look.

"Sorry, I was in a rush," she said. I rolled my eyes and threw her mess in the basket by the TV. Today was just a typical Sunday morning and nothing lately has happened. Gold took his family on vacation to the beach down in Florida. I guess he didn't want to catch a cold since it is becoming slightly colder.

Maybe I should go take a walk or something? Yeah, that sounds good. I grabbed my grey Twenty One Pilots jacket of our coat rack and waved to Chica.

"Going out, don't do anything stupid."

All I heard was her loud groan of annoyance, as I stepped out the door. I looked up, and the sky was a grey blanket of clouds. Might rain, who knows. I pulled the hood over my hair in case it started to pour down.

Our street was empty as I walked to the nearest park. No cars raced by me and no kids were spotted playing in their yards. I thought maybe I might see someone sooner or later. I was nearing the park, and I could see the gates were locked. I tried messing around with the lock and failed.

"Come on..really," I put my hood down, and I tied my hair back. Taking hold of the gate, I carefully scaled to the top and sat there. The gate wasn't that tall, but I was still nervous. I began counting in my head, one. . . two. . . .

"What ya doing Bon?" I jumped and lost grip of the gate, landing on my back in the park's fresh grass. "Hah, did I scare you that bad?" I looked over at the gate and saw Foxy smirking.

"Says who?" I mutter, sitting up rubbing my back. Foxy got over the fence rather quickly and offered me a hand up. He got me to my feet, and I took my gaze off him, settling down on a nearby bench. He sat down beside me.

"So tell me, what brings you to the park?" He asked.

I was hesitant to answer, "bored."

We stared at the endless, grey sky. My phone started to ring and the local hospital's name appeared on the lit screen. I swiped to answer and a rough, dull voice emitted from the phone.

"Is this Bonnie? Springtraps brother?" I gave Foxy a glance, but he was still looking at the sky.

"Yes sir. Is something wrong?"

"Bonnie, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but Springtrap has. . . how should I put this? He died a few hours ago, so I thought you should be the first to know," the world froze in an instant, "but he wrote a letter for you. I understand you need space, so let me know if you want to read it."

I quickly threw my phone at the ground and stomped on it until it was completely in pieces. I tried to stand, but my knees just gave out and the next thing I know I'm in Foxy's embrace.


This can't be happening.

He can't just be. . .


How did this happen?


Bonnie smashed his phone into dirt as he tried to get up. Only to have him fall. I quickly embraced him, holding him tightly. His eyes started to whelm up with tears as we slowly sank to the ground.

I peered down at him with worry, "Bonnie. . . ." He broke down after hearing his name, and his body shook with every sob of sadness. I attempted to talk to him, but I gave up knowing I was not helping.

I picked him up, and carried him to the gate. I had to put him down in order to break the lock. After about for kicks and using a giant rock, the gate was open. I carefully picked him up and decided to take him home.

What is wrong with me?

When I got home, Mangle was asleep on the couch with the TV playing some old cartoon. Taking him up to my room, I gently placed him under my covers. He was still crying, though he was asleep himself. I decided to give him space, but he reached out for the bottom hem of my shirt.

"Please. . . don't leave me too." He mumbled. I sighed and got under the covers.

He wrapped his arms around me in a tight embrace, and hid into my chest. All I did was hold him closer to me. Something inside me hated seeing him like this.

Why am I suddenly feeling like this?

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

The sun shone in my eyes, burning them. I was fully awake now, and decided to make breakfast before the young people get up. One look at Bonnie made me tousle his purple blob on his head. Things will brighten up soon. Right now, he needed someone to hold on to.

knock. knock.

I quietly got up, and answered the door. Chica was standing in the rain holding a dish.

"F-for Bonnie. He loves this," I took it out of her hands, and offered for her to come inside. She shook her head, "no. I think he needs space. Bon-Bon told me what happened, so I think he might have a hard time recovering." She turned to leave, but stopped, "if I find out you are making his situation worse, I will kill you," then continued on to her car.

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