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Masks: A mask is an object normally worn on the face, typically for protection, disguise, performance, or entertainment as per Wikipedia. According to the internet, masks are objects i.e. we can definitely see them , feel them and touch them. They come in different forms ; beautiful ,sleek and shiny, glamourus and sparkly. But the internet is void of the simple masks we wear to avoid the real face. Funny things these masks, they protect you , they deceive you and once accustomed to them then it becomes you. While one tiny scratch and the next thing you know, it just gives out leaving you to fend for yourself , explain yourself. Cruel things these masks , they gave you their promise to always stay put while upon applying a tiny bit of pressure and they lose their cool. Devious things these masks, they glorify the surroundings only to disappear off soon enough. Devil creatures these masks, encouraging you to put them on only to give you more cracks and crevices in your path of life and wander off when you're falling alongside a cliff. We master the art of pretend when we take control of our mask. When we figure out how to hold its reins and not let it guide us rather we guide them. Its one difficult process ,it can give you heartache , it can give you pain , it can make you forget who you were , it can transform you into something entirely different and you wouldn't even know it but when mastered it can show you the hidden faces in the world. When before all the faces seemed as they were displayed then after being an expert yourself you can identify the one wearing a mask and the one who isn't. Beautiful isn't it? How one tiny thing has the power to something so big in the world.
who says only ball gowns require masks?
who says only Halloween is the time for masks?
who says they come only in sparkly form?
who says they can be there to touch?
whoever said you can see it , sure knew how to wear one!


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2017 ⏰

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