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It's weird how one can actually pretend to be one thing at the same time being another. For instance a person who is actually your friend can turn out to be a betrayer or vice versa. 

A person who is hurt can pretend to be happy and vice versa. 

Lets discuss the most common situations here: someone hurt pretending to be happy. When one is hurt he/she has this urge to cry out loud or stay quiet or be angry and snappy or in some cases wants desperately to vent. 
Now some totally loathes the idea of tears, lets just say for some it's embarrassment ,weakness and many more which i honestly don't remember at the moment. Let me share my own experience, when i'm hurt there is this heavy lump on my heart, an unpleasant weird knotty feeling which sort of feeds on me. It's like i'm drowning and i don't know what's going on around me. All i feel is as if everything has suddenly stopped and then there appears certain moisture in my eyes which threatens to spill; in common tongue we call it the 'infamous tears' and unlike some people, i can't control them. They just spill and i admit as much as i'm relieved afterwards , the more it is actually painful when they're falling or sliding down my cheeks. Its like all the hurt i was feeling is dripping down one by one down my cheeks reminding how it feels on the outside. However after the crying session, i feel empty and i'm filled with happiness kind of like the glimpse of sun after a heavy session of rain. Anyways, so for some people when they actually cover up the hurt and go on about smiling, you have to admit it's kind of really admiring. If anyone here relates to how i feel when i'm hurt then they might be getting what i'm trying to point out. You see, when you're hurt its like you're moulded into something else and when you pretend to be happy, then you're forcing your mould to break and form another shape and doing that requires immense energy. I immensely praise them honestly like even though they're fooling the world or themselves , it's actually quite hard to accomplish and that's what makes you stronger than others i guess.

Although it's pretend and pretend can be quite antagonistic in its own ways, it's still an art and art requires talent which some people have and some work through their life to capture the essence.
The next common one comes in the form of betrayal, when one pretends to be your friend and back stabs you at the same time. Now we usually never recognize them but trust me when i say its quite easy to recognize them. You can instantly know who they are or which of your friends are but that's a story for another time. 

I must say, this is completely a cheap form of pretend and i hope no one has to suffer because of them but sadly many of us do. We're often discouraged because of such fuckers but remember their's always hope and it doesn't mean you're not enough or the one with faults. It means that the specific person doesn't deserve you. Such people are like plague, they suck off your soul and leaves you broken but when they show their true face then you should be thankful because it means you've been given a chance to go out and meet someone who can handle you for you. And there's always karma so yeah a bite in the ass is definitely expected. 

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