Favorite Muggle Movie

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Harry: You are a muggle-born Gryffindor, same year as him

The Pacifier, he loves just how incredibly hilarious the movie is 😆

Neville: You are a pure-blood Hufflepuff, two years older

The Notebook, he's just a softie like you

Draco: You are a pure-blood Slytherin, one year younger

The Avengers, just like you, Draco loves the plot and adores the cast

Cedric: You are a muggle-born Gryffindor, one year younger

Ronaldo.. Cedric fell in love with him after you introduced him to soccer ⚽

Blaise: You are a pure-blood Hufflepuff, same year as him

Grease, Blaise is surprisingly excitable with well made musicals

Fred: You are a half-blood Ravenclaw, one year older

Grown Ups, Fred is always making jokes about the movie and telling you how he worships Adam Sandler

* I don't have wifi so let's pretend these movies existed in that time*

Sirius: You are a pure-blood Slytherin, same year as him

Suicide Squad, he loves Harley Quinn and wants to be the next Deadshot 😂

Remus: You are a muggle-born Hufflepuff, three years younger

Frozen, for some reason Remus became hooked on Disney after you showed him The Lion King

Severus: You are a half-blood Slytherin, two years older

The 5th Wave, Sev finds it extremely fascinating

Tom: You are a pure-blood Ravenclaw, same year as him

Fury, sure he gets mad 'cause you seem to love Pitt more than him, but Tom always had a soft spot for war movies and he knows at least you wouldn't trade him for anyone.

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