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Sitting in class Sam couldn't help but worry. He had left food and water out, and when he left Honey had still been in the exact same spot. But still, he was worried. And wanted to get back to his room to check on her. It was hard to pay attention to the anatomy of ducks when he had an actual animal already under his care.
He decided to skip History of Veterinary Sciences and spend a few hours with Honey. When he got back to his room the first thing he noticed was the note pinned to his door.
"Hey dude. I don't know what you have going on in there, but it sounds a little freaky. Just thought you should know."
Great, well, maybe once he gets her more calmed down they can work on the "low profile" thing a little more. He opened his door and was almost knocked back with the aroma of animal.
"Oh my fucking god!" Sam cried. As he came into his room as quickly as possible and shut the door before the smell could escape into the rest of the dormitory. He looked around for his honey bear, and found her on the top bunk, safe and sound asleep. The room however, was a different story.
There was urine and fecal matter all over the floor and the furniture. And the food Sam had left out was scattered all over the room.
   Sam sat down on his futon and looked at the carrier crate he had brought Honey home in. He wondered, maybe if I can put her back in it while she's asleep? I can go back to class and not have to worry about her so much.
Taking the crate off the table he went over to the bed. Slowly he reached out and put his hands underneath Honey and lifted her up. She was heavy in his hands, like a cat when you pick it up from a deep sleep. Everything seemed to be going to plan up until the part about getting her into the carrier. The door was smaller than she was. Honey began to wake up while Sam was attempting to fold her gently into the opening, and suddenly she wasn't a docile kitty in Sam's arms anymore. She was the full fledged South American member of the raccoon family kinkajous are. With four precisely timed, accurate, seemingly coordinated movements, Honey bit Sam's wrist, clawed into his face, twisted out of the carrier and slithered back under the bed.
   He didn't want to admit it but he was starting to get pissed at this point. He had paid almost 5 grand for this pet. The guy he got it from told him he had handled her every day from the day she was born and that was completely 100% docile. He had guaranteed him that she would be totally adaptable to a new environment and that even the small space would be fine for her. What was he doing wrong? Was he doing anything wrong?
   First and foremost at this point, he had to get himself and this room cleaned up before anyone saw it. He gathered up every piece of linen in the room along with all his clothes and put them in garbage bags to take to the laundry. He grabbed some money intending on buying massive amounts of air freshener, and maybe some more papaya since most of it had ended up under his shoes during the night. He cleaned up all the excrement and picked up all the scattered food and put it back in the bowl he had set out earlier. "Ok", he said, "I'm going back out. Please don't escape while I'm gone."
   Honey just stared at him with her golden eyes in return.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2017 ⏰

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