Chapter 15 - Courtney's Quest

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Blythe's POV

Luca's entrancing chocolate gaze was piercing me. I couldn't tell him the truth about Charlie, and I got the feeling that Luca KNEW I wasn't being entirely honest with him. At this point, though, I was more concerned with hiding the fact that I wanted to reach through the phone and strangle my sister.

I couldn't believe Farrah was trying to force me to talk to Charlie. I understand that he and I have a lot to discuss. I mean, we haven't had a conversation since I broke our engagement, and I was sure being home again would likely be awkward. On the other hand, that kind of conversation would be better had face-to-face...NOT over the phone while I am on a crowded bus.

To make things worse, as angry as I am at Farrah, I could hear Charlie talking in the background. I know he put her up to it. That confused me more than anything. He hadn't followed when I left. Hell, he'd hardly argued when I called off the wedding. I knew it had crushed him. I had seen it in his eyes. But if he hadn't fought for us then, if he never called or wrote or tried to win me back, then why the hell was he so adamant to speak to me now?

I felt my façade beginning to crumble as the fury inside me grew. I broke from Luca's hypnotic gaze and turned to stare out the window. That was safe. The trees and foliage couldn't see into my soul, and I was beginning to get the creepy feeling that Luca quite possibly could.

"Blythe?" the smooth, deep voice pulled me from my wandering thoughts. I looked at Luca and raised my eyebrows in question.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

"You keep asking me that," I groaned. "If I wanted to talk about it, I would."

Luca flinched a little when I snapped at him, and I couldn't help but feel sorry. It wasn't his fault that I was upset. That credit went to Farrah and Charlie, and I knew I shouldn't punish Luca for caring. I sighed dramatically and looked at Luca's wary expression.

"I'm sorry," I murmured.

"No worries," Luca said gently. He winked playfully at me, and I felt relieved that he wasn't upset with me. "Why don't we talk about something a little less stressful?"

"Sure," I smirked. "What did you have in mind?"

"Hmm..." Luca rubbed his chin playfully. "Oh, I know!" he exclaimed cheerfully. "What do you want to be when you grow up?"

I chuckled, knowing that this conversation was a landmine in itself. Actually, any conversation about me was dangerous. I was torn between wanting Luca to know me better and wanting to protect myself. But did I need to protect myself from Luca? I debated whether to lie, but there was something about Luca that made me want to tell as much truth as possible. It was hard enough deceiving him about my connection to Michael, but I only did that to make sure I stayed alive. I had a feeling, though, that sooner or later, I would have to confess the whole sordid story to him, and that would probably be an explosive conversation.

"When I was a kid, I always loved music," I began, but Luca chuckled and interrupted me.

"Blythe, I hate to break it to you, but you are only twelve. That's pretty much considered a kid in most circles," he teased.

I rolled my eyes dramatically and smirked at him. "As I was saying," I answered loudly and slowly. "I always loved music. My mom's got really eclectic taste, so she raised me listening to everything from metal to classical. My absolute favorite, though, was show tunes."

Luca raised a curious eyebrow at my confession.

"So, I decided I wanted to grow up and go to New York to sing on Broadway," I sighed.

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