chapter 1

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You are (y/n) the talking umbrella, you teach everyone about the weather and the desasters the weather brings. Unlike most teachers you didn't really like your job, sure singing and telling the good things about the weather is fun but you didn't like telling the bad parts about it and let the students lose their sanity. What makes things more worse is that you HAVE to do it or bad things will happen.

No one knows what will happen but everyone knows it can't be good. The last students you had died or escaped, it killed you that 2 of the ones who have died where children that is about younger then 10.

You never had friends cuz of your job. You have tried to start a conversation with on of the teachers before but uh... he was a bit busy drinking a bunch of alcohol to notice you at all. most teachers don't talk to you cuz of you being different but to be honest you didn't really mind it, you liked being you even tho you had the most horrible job that made you do bad things you still loved yourself and in this world that's all you really need right?

Since your students have died and escaped you have been assigned new students that you had to teach tomorrow. It makes you feel terrible that you have to keep doing these things forever and ever.

You hung up your (f/c) hat and your (s/f/c) coat up and put ur black rain boots away to get ready for tomorrow. You let out sigh and looked in the mirror, your (sh/lh) (h/c) hair is a bit messy so you brushed it down and went to get a black t-shirt and bright purple pajama pants on.

U got under your (f/c) covers and just lay there fearing what will happen tomorrow. You didn't really sleep for half of the night as your mind was busy.

you finally fell asleep at 4 AM.

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