valentine's day special part 2:cyberfly

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Ah valentine's day, A time of year for people to spend their time being with their special ones...  You guessed it, it was actually shrignolds favorite time of year.
Even though he doesn't have a special one to celebrate this wonderful holiday with, he was still happy and still loved this fantastic holiday.

Colin on the other hand...

He didn't really care for the holidays. Valentines day was just a regular old day for him, till now actually. Ever since he had met the pesky love bee he started to feel...weird. as a computer he can't really feel much emotions such as happiness and sadness, the only exception he CAN feel is anger when he has physical contact with a person who can not respect personal space.

But for the 1st time he actually felt a emotion that isn't rage and he only feels that emotion when he sees or when he talks to shrignold heck even the mention of his name makes him feel that emotion. At 1st he didn't know what the emotion was and thought it would just go away, though later he found out what it was.

It was love...

Since colin have never experienced this emotion he didn't know what to do about it, he asked paige about the situation and she told him to 'confess'. Colin thought maybe he should do that on valentine's day since it is shrignolds favorite day.

With paige helping colin on what to do to win shrignolds heart this plan couldn't possibly fail right?
Guess there's no telling till we find out and there's no turning back from here.
Colin already sent a email to shrignold asking him to meet colin at a pretty little field that manny had recently found a while back.

Colin adjusts his bow tie and nervously waits for the pesky bee to come, thoughts of doubt and fear clouding his head.

Will he reject me...? He might be attracted only to girls... maybe I'll just tell him it's a prank if he rejects me...?

The humanoid computer was so busy in his thoughts he didn't hear the sound of butterfly wings beating and feet hitting the ground.
Shrignold didn't know why he was here or why his computer friend is acting so odd, he noticed that colin was acting a bit strange lately but he never bothered to ask.
Shrignold taps colin on the shoulder to get his attention, forgetting the fact that he hated any kind of physical contact. Colin shot his head up and looked at shrignold "DON'T TOU-" before he finished he frozed, noticing it was shrignold staring at him with those pretty golden eyes that makes colin's robotic heart skip a few beats.

Colin's face turned slightly pink from embarrassment and swallows hard "s-sorry I didn't know it was you..." colin apologized, trying not to look so deep into those beautiful eyes of his. Shrignold just smiled "that's ok my friend, so what did you call me here for?" He asked the computer looking into his 2 different color eyes, shrignold always found colin's eyes so.... hypnotizing, he doesn't know for certain why. One eye is red like the color of love and the other is green like the summer grass, so..... very hypnotizing...

"O-oh...uuhh.......I called you here to tell you..." colin does not know what to say to be honest, he just stared at those beautiful golden eyes "yes?" Shrignold asked but colin does not say anything, he was busy staring into those beautiful eyes of his.

Colin didn't know what he was doing till it was to late, he kissed shrignold on his lips, His lips where sweet and soft... shrignold on the other hand was shocked. His hole body tensed and his eyes grew wide as light bulbs, his cheeks grew warm and his mind went blank.

They stood there like that for a good 30 seconds and colin finally broke the kiss and looked away. Colin's face was redder then roses when he had realized what he had just done, he kissed the one he fell on love with...and liked the feeling, For once in his life he actually liked physical contact.

Shrignold blinked a few times after realizing the kiss was over and he stood there in silence thinking of what to say to him, placing his fingers on his own lips.
"Wow....uh....i-" before shrignold can even say his sentence colin cut him off "look... I'm sorry for that... it's just that I'm not new to this 'love' thing, I've never really felt this emotion twords anyone before" colin explained clearing his throat and stands straight again, avoiding the butterflies gaze.

Shrignold was speachless now *colin loves me?* the butterfly thought his cheeks grew pink and smiles "that's ok colin.... it actually was quite nice..." Shrignold told the computer rubbing the back of his neck. Silence then took place between the 2, neither of them knowing what to say or do.
Minutes went by and finally one of them spoke up "s-so.... will you be my valentine shrignold...?" Colin asked, face red and had prepared for him to say no "...yes, I would be happy to be your valentine" Shrignold smiled, catching the computer off guard "really?" "Of course!" The computer now felt another emotion that he actually never felt in a long time, joy.

Colin overwhelmed with joy and love kissed shrignold again and this time shrignold kissed back.
His arms wrapping around colin's neck and colin's arms wrapped around shrignold's waist.
They kissed for a minute or 2 and they broke apart smiling at each other, they hold each other close enjoying this precious moment they have together...

I can confirm that this valentine's day was the best day these 2 had.

((I know valentine's day was over but I wanted to do a cyberfly thing soooooo here it is! Also writers block made me take a thousand years to get this done so ya.... I hope y'all liked it tho hope y'all had a great valentine's day.))

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