chapter 3

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Warning:terrible song lyrics ahead u have been warned

The looks on their faces when they see you was pure terror.
The green males face turned pale and was frozen in place while the man in red looked at you in that same scared expression that the man in green had but his skin didn't go pale and lastly the little boy started to cry knowing what is about to happen and begs you to not sing.

It made your heart ache to see the child cry in fear and the others look at you in fear. You instantly knew that you where not their 1st teacher. You tried your hardest not to give a frown,
You keep that fake big smile on your face and start to sing about the weather trying to ignore the child's sobs and pleads.

"The weather is a wonderful thing, it brings water for us and snow to have lots fun!"

A clap of Thunder booms through the sky after you sang the 1st few lines of your song and the child jumped at the sudden loud noise and starts crying Harder but you tried to ignore it.

"And the rain makes water puddles for everyone to play in!"

The man in green covers his ears to block out the song and it gets very windy.

"It can even make colors form in the bright blue sky!"

It starts to rain cats and dogs followed by a clap of Thunder and lighting, the wind blowing hard almost knocking down the 2 men and the child.

"But it can also bring tragedies and disasters like tornados, hurricanes, and floods."

As you said that part of the song, a tornado appears in the distance pulling up trees,animals, and everything else in its path.the wind blows hard enough to almost be like a hurricane, and a flood was starting to happen fast.

The 3 was practically drowning at this point, making you regret everything that has happened in your life. Till you see the red guy climb up a tree and tried to help the man in green and the small child up which made you sigh in relief that they didn't die......yet.

They thought the lesson you are giving them is over but it wasn't the wind was blowing so hard most of the trees where knocked down and the tornado that you have spawned in was coming closer to them. You prayed to god heck you even prayed to that Malcom guy that butterfly teacher always talks about that they WON'T die today.

And to that your prayers where answered, the phone in our coat pocket rings (f/r/t) ((favorite ring tone)) signaling you that the lesson is finally over, You actually had a real smile placed on our lips. the tornado goes away, the wind slows forming a gentle breeze, the rain stops and the rain clouds changed from grey to white while a rainbow appears across the now partly cloudy sky, The flood is now gone and the tree that the 3 students where on wasn't even touched by the tornado and wasn't knocked over by the wind.

The students climbed down from the tree and the child had his eyes closed and is still clinging on the man in red for dear life still afraid while the other 2 where glad the chaos is over, when the child opened his eyes to see the rainbow in the sky his eyes light up and he smiled forgetting about the disaster he and his friends had went through "wow... it's so pretty!" the child spoke and the man in green agreed with the child "it looks pretty boring" the man in red said in the Same bored tone he had before the lesson, you didn't mind if he thought it was boring. Everyone isnt the same and that's what you like about most people, that they are different in their own special way.

You approached them "it is beautiful isn't it?" When you spoke the 2 men jumped nearly out of their skin and the child yelled in fear "please don't sing that song again miss!"

You heart shattered, you really hate it when children are afraid or sad you love children to death really, in fact you always dreamed to have kids of your own but sadly you are only a umbrella. A object brought to life that's in a human form. You can't always have what you want in life but hey, a girl can Dream right?

You give the child a friendly smile "don't worry I won't sing anymore" you said to the still afraid child.
The man in red glares at you and says in his still bored tone but with now a hint of anger "what do you want?"

You frowned, you are now tired of it all. Your job, the pain, and the suffering you bring to others. It's time to make matters into your own hands, you will no longer follow the rules anymore, it's time to make things right with your students you have now and the ones you had before.

"I want to say I'm sorry for everything I have done."

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