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I can't be sad anymore.
I can't be mad.
I cant be upset with myself.
I can't put myself down.
I cant hide my feelings.
I can't keep things to myself.
I cant hide.
Not anymore 😪! If you hold everything in to long you'll explode and you'll regret everything in life you've done. The anger will control you. 😭😒 And when you come out with all the things inside people think your crazy. Many others like me suffer from things and hide ALOT because we can't show how we really feel. We put on a fake smile to make everything seem okay 😓 but I can't anymore ❤! I'm being strong and not worrying about any other people or what they think. I'm worrying about myself nobody else.

Frases/desabafos/conselhos ......Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora